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module TK.SpaceTac.UI {
* Character personality traits editor
export class CharacterPersonality {
private view: BaseView
private background: UIImage
private name: UIText
private ship?: Ship
constructor(builder: UIBuilder, x: number, y: number) {
this.view = builder.view;
this.background = builder.image("character-personality-background", x, y);
builder = builder.in(this.background);
builder.in(builder.image("character-section-title", 0, 0, false)).text("Pilot", 80, 45, { color: "#dce9f9", size: 32 });
this.name = builder.in(builder.image("character-name-display", 430, 50, true)).text("", 0, 0, { size: 28 });
builder.button("character-name-button", 664, 0, () => this.renamePersonality(), "Rename personality");
builder.text("AVAILABLE SOON !", 690, 528, { size: 20, color: "#a7b3db" });
builder.styled({ size: 24, color: "#dbeff9" }, builder => {
builder.image("character-personality-trait-base", 420, 198, true);
builder.text("Courageous", 144, 140);
builder.text("Wise", 725, 140);
builder.image("character-personality-trait-base", 420, 316, true);
builder.text("Kind", 144, 268);
builder.text("Resilient", 725, 268);
builder.image("character-personality-trait-base", 420, 444, true);
builder.text("Shrewd", 144, 388);
builder.text("Funny", 725, 388);
* Change the content to display a ship's personality
displayShip(ship: Ship) {
let builder = new UIBuilder(this.view);
this.ship = ship;
builder.change(this.name, ship.name || "");
* Open a dialog to rename the ship's personality
renamePersonality(): void {
if (!this.ship) {
let ship = this.ship;
UITextDialog.ask(this.view, "Choose a name for this ship's personality", ship.name || undefined).then(name => {
if (bool(name)) {
ship.name = name;