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// Type definitions for parse v1.9.2
// Project: https://parse.com/
// Definitions by: Ullisen Media Group <http://ullisenmedia.com>, David Poetzsch-Heffter <https://github.com/dpoetzsch>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
declare namespace Parse {
var applicationId: string;
var javaScriptKey: string | undefined;
var masterKey: string | undefined;
var serverURL: string;
var VERSION: string;
interface SuccessOption {
success?: Function;
interface ErrorOption {
error?: Function;
interface SuccessFailureOptions extends SuccessOption, ErrorOption {
interface SessionTokenOption {
sessionToken?: string;
interface WaitOption {
* Set to true to wait for the server to confirm success
* before triggering an event.
wait?: boolean;
interface UseMasterKeyOption {
* In Cloud Code and Node only, causes the Master Key to be used for this request.
useMasterKey?: boolean;
interface ScopeOptions extends SessionTokenOption, UseMasterKeyOption {
interface SilentOption {
* Set to true to avoid firing the event.
silent?: boolean;
* A Promise is returned by async methods as a hook to provide callbacks to be
* called when the async task is fulfilled.
* <p>Typical usage would be like:<pre>
* query.find().then(function(results) {
* results[0].set("foo", "bar");
* return results[0].saveAsync();
* }).then(function(result) {
* console.log("Updated " + result.id);
* });
* </pre></p>
* @see Parse.Promise.prototype.then
* @class
interface IPromise<T> {
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => IPromise<U>, rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => IPromise<U>): IPromise<U>;
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => U, rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => IPromise<U>): IPromise<U>;
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => U, rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => U): IPromise<U>;
class Promise<T> implements IPromise<T> {
static as<U>(resolvedValue: U): Promise<U>;
static error(error: any): Promise<any>;
static is(possiblePromise: any): Boolean;
static when(promises: IPromise<any>[]): Promise<any>;
static when(...promises: IPromise<any>[]): Promise<any>;
always(callback: Function): Promise<T>;
done(callback: Function): Promise<T>;
fail(callback: Function): Promise<T>;
reject(error: any): void;
resolve(result: any): void;
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => IPromise<U>,
rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => IPromise<U>): IPromise<U>;
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => U,
rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => IPromise<U>): IPromise<U>;
then<U>(resolvedCallback: (...values: T[]) => U,
rejectedCallback?: (reason: any) => U): IPromise<U>;
interface IBaseObject {
toJSON(): any;
class BaseObject implements IBaseObject {
toJSON(): any;
* Creates a new ACL.
* If no argument is given, the ACL has no permissions for anyone.
* If the argument is a Parse.User, the ACL will have read and write
* permission for only that user.
* If the argument is any other JSON object, that object will be interpretted
* as a serialized ACL created with toJSON().
* @see Parse.Object#setACL
* @class
* <p>An ACL, or Access Control List can be added to any
* <code>Parse.Object</code> to restrict access to only a subset of users
* of your application.</p>
class ACL extends BaseObject {
permissionsById: any;
constructor(arg1?: any);
setPublicReadAccess(allowed: boolean): void;
getPublicReadAccess(): boolean;
setPublicWriteAccess(allowed: boolean): void;
getPublicWriteAccess(): boolean;
setReadAccess(userId: User, allowed: boolean): void;
getReadAccess(userId: User): boolean;
setReadAccess(userId: string, allowed: boolean): void;
getReadAccess(userId: string): boolean;
setRoleReadAccess(role: Role, allowed: boolean): void;
setRoleReadAccess(role: string, allowed: boolean): void;
getRoleReadAccess(role: Role): boolean;
getRoleReadAccess(role: string): boolean;
setRoleWriteAccess(role: Role, allowed: boolean): void;
setRoleWriteAccess(role: string, allowed: boolean): void;
getRoleWriteAccess(role: Role): boolean;
getRoleWriteAccess(role: string): boolean;
setWriteAccess(userId: User, allowed: boolean): void;
setWriteAccess(userId: string, allowed: boolean): void;
getWriteAccess(userId: User): boolean;
getWriteAccess(userId: string): boolean;
* A Parse.File is a local representation of a file that is saved to the Parse
* cloud.
* @class
* @param name {String} The file's name. This will be prefixed by a unique
* value once the file has finished saving. The file name must begin with
* an alphanumeric character, and consist of alphanumeric characters,
* periods, spaces, underscores, or dashes.
* @param data {Array} The data for the file, as either:
* 1. an Array of byte value Numbers, or
* 2. an Object like { base64: "..." } with a base64-encoded String.
* 3. a File object selected with a file upload control. (3) only works
* in Firefox 3.6+, Safari 6.0.2+, Chrome 7+, and IE 10+.
* For example:<pre>
* var fileUploadControl = $("#profilePhotoFileUpload")[0];
* if (fileUploadControl.files.length > 0) {
* var file = fileUploadControl.files[0];
* var name = "photo.jpg";
* var parseFile = new Parse.File(name, file);
* parseFile.save().then(function() {
* // The file has been saved to Parse.
* }, function(error) {
* // The file either could not be read, or could not be saved to Parse.
* });
* }</pre>
* @param type {String} Optional Content-Type header to use for the file. If
* this is omitted, the content type will be inferred from the name's
* extension.
class File {
constructor(name: string, data: any, type?: string);
name(): string;
url(): string;
save(options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<File>;
* Creates a new GeoPoint with any of the following forms:<br>
* <pre>
* new GeoPoint(otherGeoPoint)
* new GeoPoint(30, 30)
* new GeoPoint([30, 30])
* new GeoPoint({latitude: 30, longitude: 30})
* new GeoPoint() // defaults to (0, 0)
* </pre>
* @class
* <p>Represents a latitude / longitude point that may be associated
* with a key in a ParseObject or used as a reference point for geo queries.
* This allows proximity-based queries on the key.</p>
* <p>Only one key in a class may contain a GeoPoint.</p>
* <p>Example:<pre>
* var point = new Parse.GeoPoint(30.0, -20.0);
* var object = new Parse.Object("PlaceObject");
* object.set("location", point);
* object.save();</pre></p>
class GeoPoint extends BaseObject {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
constructor(arg1?: any, arg2?: any);
current(options?: SuccessFailureOptions): GeoPoint;
radiansTo(point: GeoPoint): number;
kilometersTo(point: GeoPoint): number;
milesTo(point: GeoPoint): number;
* History serves as a global router (per frame) to handle hashchange
* events or pushState, match the appropriate route, and trigger
* callbacks. You shouldn't ever have to create one of these yourself
* you should use the reference to <code>Parse.history</code>
* that will be created for you automatically if you make use of
* Routers with routes.
* @class
* <p>A fork of Backbone.History, provided for your convenience. If you
* use this class, you must also include jQuery, or another library
* that provides a jQuery-compatible $ function. For more information,
* see the <a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#History">
* Backbone documentation</a>.</p>
* <p><strong><em>Available in the client SDK only.</em></strong></p>
class History {
handlers: any[];
interval: number;
fragment: string;
checkUrl(e?: any): void;
getFragment(fragment?: string, forcePushState?: boolean): string;
getHash(windowOverride: Window): string;
loadUrl(fragmentOverride: any): boolean;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: any): any;
route(route: any, callback: Function): void;
start(options: any): boolean;
stop(): void;
* A class that is used to access all of the children of a many-to-many relationship.
* Each instance of Parse.Relation is associated with a particular parent object and key.
class Relation extends BaseObject {
parent: Object;
key: string;
targetClassName: string;
constructor(parent?: Object, key?: string);
//Adds a Parse.Object or an array of Parse.Objects to the relation.
add(object: Object): void;
// Returns a Parse.Query that is limited to objects in this relation.
query(): Query;
// Removes a Parse.Object or an array of Parse.Objects from this relation.
remove(object: Object): void;
* Creates a new model with defined attributes. A client id (cid) is
* automatically generated and assigned for you.
* <p>You won't normally call this method directly. It is recommended that
* you use a subclass of <code>Parse.Object</code> instead, created by calling
* <code>extend</code>.</p>
* <p>However, if you don't want to use a subclass, or aren't sure which
* subclass is appropriate, you can use this form:<pre>
* var object = new Parse.Object("ClassName");
* </pre>
* That is basically equivalent to:<pre>
* var MyClass = Parse.Object.extend("ClassName");
* var object = new MyClass();
* </pre></p>
* @param {Object} attributes The initial set of data to store in the object.
* @param {Object} options A set of Backbone-like options for creating the
* object. The only option currently supported is "collection".
* @see Parse.Object.extend
* @class
* <p>The fundamental unit of Parse data, which implements the Backbone Model
* interface.</p>
class Object extends BaseObject {
id: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
attributes: any;
cid: string;
changed: boolean;
className: string;
constructor(className?: string, options?: any);
constructor(attributes?: string[], options?: any);
static extend(className: string, protoProps?: any, classProps?: any): any;
static fetchAll<T extends Object>(list: T[], options: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<T[]>;
static fetchAllIfNeeded<T extends Object>(list: T[], options: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<T[]>;
static destroyAll<T>(list: T[], options?: Object.DestroyAllOptions): Promise<T[]>;
static saveAll<T extends Object>(list: T[], options?: Object.SaveAllOptions): Promise<T[]>;
static registerSubclass<T extends Object>(className: string, clazz: new (options?: any) => T): void;
initialize(): void;
add(attr: string, item: any): this;
addUnique(attr: string, item: any): any;
change(options: any): this;
changedAttributes(diff: any): boolean;
clear(options: any): any;
clone(): this;
destroy(options?: Object.DestroyOptions): Promise<this>;
dirty(attr: String): boolean;
dirtyKeys(): string[];
escape(attr: string): string;
existed(): boolean;
fetch(options?: Object.FetchOptions): Promise<this>;
get(attr: string): any | undefined;
getACL(): ACL | undefined;
has(attr: string): boolean;
hasChanged(attr: string): boolean;
increment(attr: string, amount?: number): any;
isValid(): boolean;
op(attr: string): any;
previous(attr: string): any;
previousAttributes(): any;
relation(attr: string): Relation;
remove(attr: string, item: any): any;
save(attrs?: { [key: string]: any } | null, options?: Object.SaveOptions): Promise<this>;
save(key: string, value: any, options?: Object.SaveOptions): Promise<this>;
set(key: string, value: any, options?: Object.SetOptions): boolean;
setACL(acl: ACL, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): boolean;
unset(attr: string, options?: any): any;
validate(attrs: any, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): boolean;
namespace Object {
interface DestroyOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, WaitOption, ScopeOptions { }
interface DestroyAllOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface FetchOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface SaveOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, SilentOption, ScopeOptions, WaitOption { }
interface SaveAllOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface SetOptions extends ErrorOption, SilentOption {
promise?: any;
* Every Parse application installed on a device registered for
* push notifications has an associated Installation object.
class Installation extends Object {
badge: any;
channels: string[];
timeZone: any;
deviceType: string;
pushType: string;
installationId: string;
deviceToken: string;
channelUris: string;
appName: string;
appVersion: string;
parseVersion: string;
appIdentifier: string;
* Creates a new instance with the given models and options. Typically, you
* will not call this method directly, but will instead make a subclass using
* <code>Parse.Collection.extend</code>.
* @param {Array} models An array of instances of <code>Parse.Object</code>.
* @param {Object} options An optional object with Backbone-style options.
* Valid options are:<ul>
* <li>model: The Parse.Object subclass that this collection contains.
* <li>query: An instance of Parse.Query to use when fetching items.
* <li>comparator: A string property name or function to sort by.
* </ul>
* @see Parse.Collection.extend
* @class
* <p>Provides a standard collection class for our sets of models, ordered
* or unordered. For more information, see the
* <a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Collection">Backbone
* documentation</a>.</p>
class Collection<T> extends Events implements IBaseObject {
model: Object;
models: Object[];
query: Query;
comparator: (object: Object) => any;
constructor(models?: Object[], options?: Collection.Options);
static extend(instanceProps: any, classProps: any): any;
initialize(): void;
add(models: any[], options?: Collection.AddOptions): Collection<T>;
at(index: number): Object;
//chain(): _._Chain<Collection<T>>;
fetch(options?: Collection.FetchOptions): Promise<T>;
create(model: Object, options?: Collection.CreateOptions): Object;
get(id: string): Object;
getByCid(cid: any): any;
pluck(attr: string): any[];
remove(model: any, options?: Collection.RemoveOptions): Collection<T>;
remove(models: any[], options?: Collection.RemoveOptions): Collection<T>;
reset(models: any[], options?: Collection.ResetOptions): Collection<T>;
sort(options?: Collection.SortOptions): Collection<T>;
toJSON(): any;
namespace Collection {
interface Options {
model?: Object;
query?: Query;
comparator?: string;
interface AddOptions extends SilentOption {
* The index at which to add the models.
at?: number;
interface CreateOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, WaitOption, SilentOption, ScopeOptions {
interface FetchOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, SilentOption, ScopeOptions { }
interface RemoveOptions extends SilentOption { }
interface ResetOptions extends SilentOption { }
interface SortOptions extends SilentOption { }
* @class
* <p>Parse.Events is a fork of Backbone's Events module, provided for your
* convenience.</p>
* <p>A module that can be mixed in to any object in order to provide
* it with custom events. You may bind callback functions to an event
* with `on`, or remove these functions with `off`.
* Triggering an event fires all callbacks in the order that `on` was
* called.
* <pre>
* var object = {};
* _.extend(object, Parse.Events);
* object.on('expand', function(){ alert('expanded'); });
* object.trigger('expand');</pre></p>
* <p>For more information, see the
* <a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Events">Backbone
* documentation</a>.</p>
class Events {
static off(events: string[], callback?: Function, context?: any): Events;
static on(events: string[], callback?: Function, context?: any): Events;
static trigger(events: string[]): Events;
static bind(): Events;
static unbind(): Events;
on(eventName: string, callback?: Function, context?: any): Events;
off(eventName?: string | null, callback?: Function | null, context?: any): Events;
trigger(eventName: string, ...args: any[]): Events;
bind(eventName: string, callback: Function, context?: any): Events;
unbind(eventName?: string, callback?: Function, context?: any): Events;
* Creates a new parse Parse.Query for the given Parse.Object subclass.
* @param objectClass -
* An instance of a subclass of Parse.Object, or a Parse className string.
* @class
* <p>Parse.Query defines a query that is used to fetch Parse.Objects. The
* most common use case is finding all objects that match a query through the
* <code>find</code> method. For example, this sample code fetches all objects
* of class <code>MyClass</code>. It calls a different function depending on
* whether the fetch succeeded or not.
* <pre>
* var query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);
* query.find({
* success: function(results) {
* // results is an array of Parse.Object.
* },
* error: function(error) {
* // error is an instance of Parse.Error.
* }
* });</pre></p>
* <p>A Parse.Query can also be used to retrieve a single object whose id is
* known, through the get method. For example, this sample code fetches an
* object of class <code>MyClass</code> and id <code>myId</code>. It calls a
* different function depending on whether the fetch succeeded or not.
* <pre>
* var query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);
* query.get(myId, {
* success: function(object) {
* // object is an instance of Parse.Object.
* },
* error: function(object, error) {
* // error is an instance of Parse.Error.
* }
* });</pre></p>
* <p>A Parse.Query can also be used to count the number of objects that match
* the query without retrieving all of those objects. For example, this
* sample code counts the number of objects of the class <code>MyClass</code>
* <pre>
* var query = new Parse.Query(MyClass);
* query.count({
* success: function(number) {
* // There are number instances of MyClass.
* },
* error: function(error) {
* // error is an instance of Parse.Error.
* }
* });</pre></p>
class Query extends BaseObject {
objectClass: any;
className: string;
constructor(objectClass: string);
constructor(objectClass: new (...args: any[]) => Object);
static or<U extends Object>(...var_args: Query[]): Query;
addAscending(key: string): Query;
addAscending(key: string[]): Query;
addDescending(key: string): Query;
addDescending(key: string[]): Query;
ascending(key: string): Query;
ascending(key: string[]): Query;
collection(items?: Object[], options?: Collection.Options): Collection<Object>;
containedIn(key: string, values: any[]): Query;
contains(key: string, substring: string): Query;
containsAll(key: string, values: any[]): Query;
count(options?: Query.CountOptions): Promise<number>;
descending(key: string): Query;
descending(key: string[]): Query;
doesNotExist(key: string): Query;
doesNotMatchKeyInQuery<U extends Object>(key: string, queryKey: string, query: Query): Query;
doesNotMatchQuery<U extends Object>(key: string, query: Query): Query;
each(callback: Function, options?: Query.EachOptions): Promise<void>;
endsWith(key: string, suffix: string): Query;
equalTo(key: string, value: any): Query;
exists(key: string): Query;
find(options?: Query.FindOptions): Promise<Object[]>;
first(options?: Query.FirstOptions): Promise<Object | undefined>;
get(objectId: string, options?: Query.GetOptions): Promise<Object>;
greaterThan(key: string, value: any): Query;
greaterThanOrEqualTo(key: string, value: any): Query;
include(key: string): Query;
include(keys: string[]): Query;
lessThan(key: string, value: any): Query;
lessThanOrEqualTo(key: string, value: any): Query;
limit(n: number): Query;
matches(key: string, regex: RegExp, modifiers: any): Query;
matchesKeyInQuery<U extends Object>(key: string, queryKey: string, query: Query): Query;
matchesQuery<U extends Object>(key: string, query: Query): Query;
near(key: string, point: GeoPoint): Query;
notContainedIn(key: string, values: any[]): Query;
notEqualTo(key: string, value: any): Query;
select(...keys: string[]): Query;
skip(n: number): Query;
startsWith(key: string, prefix: string): Query;
withinGeoBox(key: string, southwest: GeoPoint, northeast: GeoPoint): Query;
withinKilometers(key: string, point: GeoPoint, maxDistance: number): Query;
withinMiles(key: string, point: GeoPoint, maxDistance: number): Query;
withinRadians(key: string, point: GeoPoint, maxDistance: number): Query;
namespace Query {
interface EachOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface CountOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface FindOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface FirstOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
interface GetOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
* Represents a Role on the Parse server. Roles represent groupings of
* Users for the purposes of granting permissions (e.g. specifying an ACL
* for an Object). Roles are specified by their sets of child users and
* child roles, all of which are granted any permissions that the parent
* role has.
* <p>Roles must have a name (which cannot be changed after creation of the
* role), and must specify an ACL.</p>
* @class
* A Parse.Role is a local representation of a role persisted to the Parse
* cloud.
class Role extends Object {
constructor(name: string, acl: ACL);
getRoles(): Relation;
getUsers(): Relation;
getName(): string;
setName(name: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): any;
class Config extends Object {
static get(options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<Config>;
static current(): Config;
get(attr: string): any;
escape(attr: string): any;
class Session extends Object {
static current(): Promise<Session>;
getSessionToken(): string;
isCurrentSessionRevocable(): boolean;
* Routers map faux-URLs to actions, and fire events when routes are
* matched. Creating a new one sets its `routes` hash, if not set statically.
* @class
* <p>A fork of Backbone.Router, provided for your convenience.
* For more information, see the
* <a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#Router">Backbone
* documentation</a>.</p>
* <p><strong><em>Available in the client SDK only.</em></strong></p>
class Router extends Events {
routes: Router.RouteMap;
constructor(options?: Router.Options);
static extend(instanceProps: any, classProps: any): any;
initialize(): void;
navigate(fragment: string, options?: Router.NavigateOptions): Router;
navigate(fragment: string, trigger?: boolean): Router;
route(route: string, name: string, callback: Function): Router;
namespace Router {
interface Options {
routes: RouteMap;
interface RouteMap {
[url: string]: string;
interface NavigateOptions {
trigger?: boolean;
* @class
* <p>A Parse.User object is a local representation of a user persisted to the
* Parse cloud. This class is a subclass of a Parse.Object, and retains the
* same functionality of a Parse.Object, but also extends it with various
* user specific methods, like authentication, signing up, and validation of
* uniqueness.</p>
class User extends Object {
static current(): User | undefined;
static signUp(username: string, password: string, attrs: any, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<User>;
static logIn(username: string, password: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<User>;
static logOut(): Promise<User>;
static allowCustomUserClass(isAllowed: boolean): void;
static become(sessionToken: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<User>;
static requestPasswordReset(email: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<User>;
static extend(protoProps?: any, classProps?: any): any;
signUp(attrs: any, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<this>;
logIn(options?: SuccessFailureOptions): Promise<this>;
authenticated(): boolean;
isCurrent(): boolean;
getEmail(): string | undefined;
setEmail(email: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): boolean;
getUsername(): string | undefined;
setUsername(username: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): boolean;
setPassword(password: string, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): boolean;
getSessionToken(): string;
* Creating a Parse.View creates its initial element outside of the DOM,
* if an existing element is not provided...
* @class
* <p>A fork of Backbone.View, provided for your convenience. If you use this
* class, you must also include jQuery, or another library that provides a
* jQuery-compatible $ function. For more information, see the
* <a href="http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#View">Backbone
* documentation</a>.</p>
* <p><strong><em>Available in the client SDK only.</em></strong></p>
class View<T> extends Events {
model: any;
collection: any;
id: string;
cid: string;
className: string;
tagName: string;
el: any;
//$el: JQuery;
attributes: any;
constructor(options?: View.Options);
static extend(properties: any, classProperties?: any): any;
//$(selector?: string): JQuery;
setElement(element: HTMLElement, delegate?: boolean): View<T>;
//setElement(element: JQuery, delegate?: boolean): View<T>;
render(): View<T>;
remove(): View<T>;
make(tagName: any, attributes?: View.Attribute[], content?: any): any;
delegateEvents(events?: any): any;
undelegateEvents(): any;
namespace View {
interface Options {
model?: any;
collection?: any;
el?: any;
id?: string;
className?: string;
tagName?: string;
attributes?: Attribute[];
interface Attribute {
[attributeName: string]: string | number | boolean;
namespace Analytics {
function track(name: string, dimensions: any): Promise<any>;
* Provides a set of utilities for using Parse with Facebook.
* @namespace
* Provides a set of utilities for using Parse with Facebook.
namespace FacebookUtils {
function init(options?: any): void;
function isLinked(user: User): boolean;
function link(user: User, permissions: any, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): void;
function logIn(permissions: any, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): void;
function unlink(user: User, options?: SuccessFailureOptions): void;
* @namespace Contains functions for calling and declaring
* <a href="/docs/cloud_code_guide#functions">cloud functions</a>.
* <p><strong><em>
* Some functions are only available from Cloud Code.
* </em></strong></p>
namespace Cloud {
interface CookieOptions {
domain?: string;
expires?: Date;
httpOnly?: boolean;
maxAge?: number;
path?: string;
secure?: boolean;
interface HttpResponse {
//buffer?: Buffer;
cookies?: any;
data?: any;
headers?: any;
status?: number;
text?: string;
interface JobRequest {
params: any;
interface JobStatus {
error?: (response: any) => void;
message?: (response: any) => void;
success?: (response: any) => void;
interface FunctionRequest {
installationId?: String;
master?: boolean;
params?: any;
user?: User;
interface FunctionResponse {
success: (response: any) => void;
error: (response: any) => void;
interface Cookie {
name?: string;
options?: CookieOptions;
value?: string;
interface SaveRequest extends FunctionRequest {
object: Object;
interface AfterSaveRequest extends SaveRequest { }
interface AfterDeleteRequest extends FunctionRequest { }
interface BeforeDeleteRequest extends FunctionRequest { }
interface BeforeDeleteResponse extends FunctionResponse { }
interface BeforeSaveRequest extends SaveRequest { }
interface BeforeSaveResponse extends FunctionResponse {
success: () => void;
function afterDelete(arg1: any, func?: (request: AfterDeleteRequest) => void): void;
function afterSave(arg1: any, func?: (request: AfterSaveRequest) => void): void;
function beforeDelete(arg1: any, func?: (request: BeforeDeleteRequest, response: BeforeDeleteResponse) => void): void;
function beforeSave(arg1: any, func?: (request: BeforeSaveRequest, response: BeforeSaveResponse) => void): void;
function define(name: string, func?: (request: FunctionRequest, response: FunctionResponse) => void): void;
function httpRequest(options: HTTPOptions): Promise<HttpResponse>;
function job(name: string, func?: (request: JobRequest, status: JobStatus) => void): HttpResponse;
function run(name: string, data?: any, options?: RunOptions): Promise<any>;
function useMasterKey(): void;
interface RunOptions extends SuccessFailureOptions, ScopeOptions { }
* To use this Cloud Module in Cloud Code, you must require 'buffer' in your JavaScript file.
* import Buffer = require("buffer").Buffer;
var HTTPOptions: new () => HTTPOptions;
interface HTTPOptions {
* The body of the request.
* If it is a JSON object, then the Content-Type set in the headers must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded or application/json.
* You can also set this to a Buffer object to send raw bytes.
* If you use a Buffer, you should also set the Content-Type header explicitly to describe what these bytes represent.
//body?: string | Buffer | Object;
body?: string | Object;
* Defaults to 'false'.
followRedirects?: boolean;
* The headers for the request.
headers?: {
[headerName: string]: string | number | boolean;
*The method of the request (i.e GET, POST, etc).
method?: string;
* The query portion of the url.
params?: any;
* The url to send the request to.
url: string;
success?: (response: any) => void;
error?: (response: any) => void;
class Error {
code: ErrorCode;
message: string;
constructor(code: ErrorCode, message: string);
* We need to inline the codes in order to make compilation work without this type definition as dependency.
const enum ErrorCode {
TIMEOUT = 124,
* @class
* A Parse.Op is an atomic operation that can be applied to a field in a
* Parse.Object. For example, calling <code>object.set("foo", "bar")</code>
* is an example of a Parse.Op.Set. Calling <code>object.unset("foo")</code>
* is a Parse.Op.Unset. These operations are stored in a Parse.Object and
* sent to the server as part of <code>object.save()</code> operations.
* Instances of Parse.Op should be immutable.
* You should not create subclasses of Parse.Op or instantiate Parse.Op
* directly.
namespace Op {
interface BaseOperation extends IBaseObject {
objects(): any[];
interface Add extends BaseOperation {
interface AddUnique extends BaseOperation {
interface Increment extends IBaseObject {
amount: number;
interface Relation extends IBaseObject {
added(): Object[];
removed: Object[];
interface Set extends IBaseObject {
value(): any;
interface Unset extends IBaseObject {
* Contains functions to deal with Push in Parse
* @name Parse.Push
* @namespace
namespace Push {
function send<T>(data: PushData, options?: SendOptions): Promise<T>;
interface PushData {
channels?: string[];
push_time?: Date;
expiration_time?: Date;
expiration_interval?: number;
where?: Query;
data?: any;
alert?: string;
badge?: string;
sound?: string;
title?: string;
interface SendOptions extends UseMasterKeyOption {
success?: () => void;
error?: (error: Error) => void;
* Call this method first to set up your authentication tokens for Parse.
* You can get your keys from the Data Browser on parse.com.
* @param {String} applicationId Your Parse Application ID.
* @param {String} javaScriptKey (optional) Your Parse JavaScript Key (Not needed for parse-server)
* @param {String} masterKey (optional) Your Parse Master Key. (Node.js only!)
function initialize(applicationId: string, javaScriptKey?: string, masterKey?: string): void;
declare module "parse/node" {
export = Parse;
declare module "parse" {
import * as parse from "parse/node";
export = parse