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2017-09-24 22:23:22 +00:00
module TK.SpaceTac {
* Configuration of a trigger action
export interface MoveActionConfig {
// Distance allowed for each power point (raw, without applying maneuvrability)
distance_per_power: number
// Safety distance from other ships
safety_distance: number
* Action to move the ship to a specific location
export class MoveAction extends BaseAction implements MoveActionConfig {
distance_per_power = 0
safety_distance = 120
maneuvrability_factor = 0
constructor(name = "Engine", config?: Partial<MoveActionConfig>, code = "move") {
super(name, code);
if (config) {
* Configure the engine
configureEngine(config: Partial<MoveActionConfig>): void {
copyfields(config, this);
getVerb(ship: Ship): string {
2017-11-29 22:03:58 +00:00
return "Move";
getTitle(ship: Ship): string {
return `Use ${this.name}`;
2017-09-19 15:09:06 +00:00
getTargettingMode(ship: Ship): ActionTargettingMode {
return ActionTargettingMode.SPACE;
getDefaultTarget(ship: Ship): Target {
return Target.newFromLocation(ship.arena_x + Math.cos(ship.arena_angle) * 100, ship.arena_y + Math.sin(ship.arena_angle) * 100);
checkCannotBeApplied(ship: Ship, remaining_ap: number | null = null): ActionUnavailability | null {
let base = super.checkCannotBeApplied(ship, Infinity);
if (base) {
return base;
// Check AP usage
if (remaining_ap === null) {
remaining_ap = ship.getValue("power");
if (remaining_ap < 0.0001) {
return ActionUnavailability.POWER;
// Check vigilance actions
if (any(ship.getToggleActions(true), action => action instanceof VigilanceAction)) {
return ActionUnavailability.VIGILANCE;
// Check pinned status
if (any(ship.getEffects(), effect => effect instanceof PinnedEffect)) {
return ActionUnavailability.PINNED;
return null;
2014-12-31 00:00:00 +00:00
getPowerUsage(ship: Ship, target: Target | null): number {
if (this.distance_per_power == 0) {
return Infinity;
} else if (target) {
2017-09-19 15:09:06 +00:00
let distance = Target.newFromShip(ship).getDistanceTo(target);
return Math.ceil(distance / this.distance_per_power);
2017-09-19 15:09:06 +00:00
} else {
2015-02-26 00:00:00 +00:00
return 0;
2015-03-03 00:00:00 +00:00
getRangeRadius(ship: Ship): number {
return this.getRangeRadiusForPower(ship);
* Get the distance reachable with a given power
getRangeRadiusForPower(ship: Ship, power = ship.getValue("power")): number {
return power * this.distance_per_power;
* Get an exclusion helper for this move action
getExclusionAreas(ship: Ship): ExclusionAreas {
return ExclusionAreas.fromShip(ship, this.safety_distance);
* Apply exclusion areas (neer arena borders, or other ships)
applyExclusion(ship: Ship, target: Target): Target {
let exclusion = this.getExclusionAreas(ship);
let destination = exclusion.stopBefore(new ArenaLocation(target.x, target.y), ship.location);
target = Target.newFromLocation(destination.x, destination.y);
return target;
* Apply reachable range, with remaining power
applyReachableRange(ship: Ship, target: Target, margin = 0.1): Target {
let max_distance = this.getRangeRadius(ship);
max_distance = Math.max(0, max_distance - margin);
return target.constraintInRange(ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y, max_distance);
2018-07-09 10:28:18 +00:00
checkLocationTarget(ship: Ship, target: Target): boolean {
2018-07-09 09:38:42 +00:00
let fixed_target = this.applyExclusion(ship, this.applyReachableRange(ship, target));
2018-07-09 10:28:18 +00:00
return fixed_target.getDistanceTo(target) < 1e-8;
2014-12-31 00:00:00 +00:00
protected getSpecificDiffs(ship: Ship, battle: Battle, target: Target): BaseBattleDiff[] {
2018-07-09 09:38:42 +00:00
let angle = (arenaDistance(target, ship.location) < 1e-8) ? ship.arena_angle : arenaAngle(ship.location, target);
let destination = new ArenaLocationAngle(target.x, target.y, angle);
return [new ShipMoveDiff(ship, ship.location, destination, this)];
getEffectsDescription(): string {
let result = `Move: ${this.distance_per_power}km per power point`;
if (this.safety_distance) {
result += ` (safety: ${this.safety_distance}km)`;
return result;
2014-12-31 00:00:00 +00:00
2015-01-07 00:00:00 +00:00