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2017-06-29 17:25:38 +00:00
/// <reference path="MissionPart.ts" />
module TS.SpaceTac {
* A single dialog piece
interface DialogPiece {
// Interlocutor (null for the player's fleet)
interlocutor: Ship | null
// Text message
message: string
* A mission part that triggers a dialog
export class MissionPartDialog extends MissionPart {
// Other ships with which the dialog will take place
interlocutors: Ship[]
// Pieces of dialog
pieces: DialogPiece[] = []
// Current piece
current_piece = 0
2017-07-02 18:21:04 +00:00
constructor(mission: Mission, interlocutors: Ship[], directive?: string) {
super(mission, directive || `Speak with ${interlocutors[0].name}`);
2017-06-29 17:25:38 +00:00
this.interlocutors = interlocutors;
checkCompleted(): boolean {
return this.current_piece >= this.pieces.length;
forceComplete(): void {
* Add a piece of dialog
addPiece(interlocutor: Ship | null, message: string): void {
interlocutor: interlocutor,
message: message
* Go to the next dialog "screen"
* Returns true if there is still dialog to display.
next(): boolean {
this.current_piece += 1;
return !this.checkCompleted();
* Skip to the end
skip() {
while (this.next()) {
* Get the current piece of dialog
getCurrent(): DialogPiece {
if (this.checkCompleted()) {
return {
interlocutor: null,
message: ""
} else {
let piece = this.pieces[this.current_piece];
return {
interlocutor: piece.interlocutor || this.getFleetInterlocutor(piece),
message: piece.message
* Get the interlocutor from the player fleet that will say the piece
private getFleetInterlocutor(piece: DialogPiece): Ship | null {
if (this.fleet.ships.length > 0) {
// TODO Choose a ship by its personality traits
return this.fleet.ships[0];
} else {
return null;