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2017-05-25 23:09:29 +00:00
module TS.SpaceTac {
* Statistics collection over a battle
export class BattleStats {
stats: { [name: string]: [number, number] } = {}
* Add a value to the collector
addStat(name: string, value: number, attacker: boolean) {
if (!this.stats[name]) {
this.stats[name] = [0, 0];
if (attacker) {
this.stats[name] = [this.stats[name][0] + value, this.stats[name][1]];
} else {
this.stats[name] = [this.stats[name][0], this.stats[name][1] + value];
* Get important stats
getImportant(maxcount: number): { name: string, attacker: number, defender: number }[] {
// TODO Sort by importance
let result: { name: string, attacker: number, defender: number }[] = [];
iteritems(this.stats, (name, [attacker, defender]) => {
if (result.length < maxcount) {
result.push({ name: name, attacker: Math.round(attacker), defender: Math.round(defender) });
return result;
* Watch a battle log to automatically feed the collector
watchLog(log: BattleLog, attacker: Fleet) {
log.subscribe(event => {
if (event instanceof DamageEvent) {
this.addStat("Damage dealt", event.hull + event.shield, event.ship.fleet !== attacker);
} else if (event instanceof MoveEvent) {
this.addStat("Move distance (km)", event.distance, event.ship.fleet === attacker);
} else if (event instanceof DroneDeployedEvent) {
this.addStat("Drones deployed", 1, event.ship.fleet === attacker);