Fork 0

Restrict spawning near the hero unit

This commit is contained in:
Michaël Lemaire 2020-02-04 00:22:23 +01:00
parent 3cb59c172e
commit a7866fb0ef
3 changed files with 26 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ export(PackedScene) var spawned_unit setget set_spawned_unit
var dragged = false
var base_position
var selected_anchor
var hero
func _ready():
@ -40,14 +41,22 @@ func set_spawned_unit(val):
$points.visible = true
$points.visible = false
func set_hero(val: Node):
hero = val
func can_be_used_on_anchor(anchor):
if anchor is Anchor:
if spawned_unit and not anchor.is_empty():
return false
return true
if spawned_unit:
return anchor.is_empty() and hero and anchor.is_connected_to(hero.get_parent())
return true
return false
func set_hand_location(loc: Vector2):
rect_position = loc
base_position = loc
func update_anchors():
var position = rect_global_position + rect_size / 2 if dragged else null

View File

@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ static func update_anchors(tree: SceneTree, position, acceptability) -> Anchor:
return selected_anchor
static func spawn_unit(name: String, anchor: Anchor):
static func spawn_unit(name: String, anchor: Anchor) -> Node:
""" Spawn a unit on an empty anchor
var scene = load("res://units/" + name + ".tscn")
var node = scene.instance()
return node

View File

@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ export(PackedScene) var deck_defend
onready var deck_attack_cards = deck_attack.instance()
onready var deck_defend_cards = deck_defend.instance()
var hero_attack
var hero_defend
func _ready():
hero_attack = create_hero_unit("tomahawk", "attack_start")
hero_defend = create_hero_unit("rhino", "defend_start")
fill_hand($hand_attack, deck_attack_cards)
fill_hand($hand_defend, deck_defend_cards)
fill_hand($hand_attack, deck_attack_cards, hero_attack)
fill_hand($hand_defend, deck_defend_cards, hero_defend)
func find_free_anchor(anchor_type: String):
for anchor in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("anchors"):
@ -23,17 +26,16 @@ func find_free_anchor(anchor_type: String):
func create_hero_unit(name: String, anchor_type: String):
var anchor = find_free_anchor(anchor_type)
if anchor:
BattleHelper.spawn_unit("heroes/" + name, anchor)
return BattleHelper.spawn_unit("heroes/" + name, anchor)
return null
func create_hero_units():
create_hero_unit("tomahawk", "attack_start")
create_hero_unit("rhino", "defend_start")
func fill_hand(hand: Node, deck: Node, limit=4):
func fill_hand(hand: Node, deck: Node, hero: Node, limit=4):
while hand.get_child_count() < 4:
var count = deck.get_child_count()
var index = floor(rand_range(0, count))
var card = deck.get_child(index).duplicate()
@ -41,5 +43,5 @@ func fill_hand(hand: Node, deck: Node, limit=4):
func reorganize_hand(hand: Node):
var i = 0
for card in hand.get_children():
card.rect_position = Vector2(i * 210, 0)
card.set_hand_location(Vector2(i * 210, 0))
i += 1