module TK.SpaceTac.Specs { testing("MainStory", test => { function checkPart(story: Mission, index: number, title: RegExp, completed = false) { let result = story.checkStatus(); test.check.same(, index); test.check.regex(title, story.current_part.title); test.check.same(story.completed, completed); test.check.same(result, !completed); } function goTo(fleet: Fleet, location: StarLocation, win_encounter = true) { fleet.setLocation(location, true); if (fleet.battle) { fleet.battle.endBattle(win_encounter ? fleet : fleet.battle.fleets[1]); if (win_encounter) { fleet.player.exitBattle(); } else { fleet.player.revertBattle(); } } }"can be completed", check => { let session = new GameSession(); session.startNewGame(true, true); let fleet = nn(session.player.fleet); let missions = session.player.missions; let story = nn(missions.main); let fleet_size = fleet.ships.length; checkPart(story, 0, /^Travel to Terranax galaxy$/); (story.current_part).skip(); checkPart(story, 1, /^Find your contact in .*$/); goTo(fleet, (story.current_part).destination); checkPart(story, 2, /^Speak with your contact/); (story.current_part).skip(); checkPart(story, 3, /^Go with .* in .* system$/); check.same(fleet.ships.length, fleet_size + 1); goTo(fleet, (story.current_part).destination); checkPart(story, 4, /^Listen to .*$/); (story.current_part).skip(); check.equals(session.getBattle(), null); checkPart(story, 5, /^Fight the arrived fleet$/); check.notequals(session.getBattle(), null); nn(session.getBattle()).endBattle(fleet); check.same(story.checkStatus(), false, "story not complete"); }) }) }