module TK.SpaceTac.Specs { testing("MissionPartEscort", test => {"completes when the fleet is at location, with its escort", check => { let destination = new StarLocation(new Star(null, 0, 0, "Atanax")); destination.encounter_random = new SkewedRandomGenerator([0], true); let universe = new Universe(); let fleet = new Fleet(); let ship = new Ship(null, "Zybux"); let part = new MissionPartEscort(new Mission(universe, fleet), destination, ship); check.notcontains(fleet.ships, ship); check.equals(part.title, "Escort Zybux to Atanax system"); check.same(part.checkCompleted(), false, "Init location"); part.onStarted(); check.contains(fleet.ships, ship); fleet.setLocation(destination, true); check.same(part.checkCompleted(), false, "Encounter not clear"); destination.clearEncounter(); check.same(part.checkCompleted(), true, "Encouter cleared"); fleet.setLocation(new StarLocation(), true); check.same(part.checkCompleted(), false, "Went to another system"); fleet.setLocation(destination, true); check.same(part.checkCompleted(), true, "Back at destination"); check.contains(fleet.ships, ship); part.onEnded(); check.notcontains(fleet.ships, ship); })"sets the escorted ship as critical in battles", check => { let universe = new Universe(); let fleet = new Fleet(); let ship1 = fleet.addShip(); let ship2 = fleet.addShip(); let ship = new Ship(); let destination = new StarLocation(new Star()); let part = new MissionPartEscort(new Mission(universe, fleet), destination, ship); part.onStarted(); check.contains(fleet.ships, ship); let enemy = new Fleet(); enemy.addShip(); let battle = new Battle(fleet, enemy); battle.start(); battle.checkEndBattle(); check.equals(battle.ended, false); // if a fleet member dies, it is not over ship1.setDead(); battle.checkEndBattle(); check.equals(battle.ended, false); // if the critical ship dies, it is defeat ship.setDead(); battle.checkEndBattle(); check.equals(battle.ended, true); check.notsame(battle.outcome.winner, fleet); }) }) }