/// module TS.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Dialog to load a saved game, or join an online one */ export class LoadDialog extends UIComponent { saves: [string, string][] = [] save_selected = 0 save_name: UILabel token_input: UITextInput constructor(parent: MainMenu) { super(parent, 1344, 566, "menu-load-bg"); this.addButton(600, 115, () => this.paginateSave(-1), "common-arrow", "common-arrow", "Scroll to newer saves", 180); this.addButton(1038, 115, () => this.paginateSave(1), "common-arrow", "common-arrow", "Scroll to older saves", 0); this.addButton(1224, 115, () => this.load(), "common-button-ok"); this.addButton(1224, 341, () => this.join(), "common-button-ok"); this.save_name = new UILabel(this, 351, 185, "", 32, "#000000"); this.save_name.setPosition(645, 28); this.token_input = new UITextInput(this, 468, 68, 10, "#000000"); this.token_input.setPosition(585, 304); this.refreshSaves(); } /** * Refresh available save games */ private refreshSaves(): void { let connection = this.view.getConnection(); // TODO include local save // TODO Disable interaction, with loading icon connection.listSaves().then(results => { this.saves = items(results).sort(([id1, info1], [id2, info2]) => cmp(info2, info1)); this.setCurrentSave(0); }); } /** * Set the current selected save game */ private setCurrentSave(position: number): void { if (this.saves.length == 0) { this.save_name.setContent("No save game found"); } else { this.save_selected = clamp(position, 0, this.saves.length - 1); let [saveid, saveinfo] = this.saves[this.save_selected]; this.save_name.setContent(saveinfo); } } /** * Change the selected save */ private paginateSave(offset: number) { this.setCurrentSave(this.save_selected + offset); } /** * Join an online game */ private join(): void { let token = this.token_input.getContent(); let connection = this.view.getConnection(); connection.loadByToken(token).then(session => { if (session) { this.view.gameui.setSession(session); } }); } /** * Load selected save game */ private load(): void { if (this.save_selected >= 0 && this.saves.length > this.save_selected) { let connection = this.view.getConnection(); let [saveid, saveinfo] = this.saves[this.save_selected]; connection.loadById(saveid).then(session => { if (session) { this.view.gameui.setSession(session); } }); } } } }