module SpaceTac.View { "use strict"; // Ship sprite in the arena (BattleView) export class ArenaShip extends Phaser.Group { // Link to displayed ship ship: Game.Ship; // Ship sprite sprite: Phaser.Button; // Hover effect hover: Phaser.Image; // Create a ship sprite usable in the Arena constructor(battleview: BattleView, ship: Game.Ship) { this.ship = ship; super(; // Add hover effect this.hover = new Phaser.Image(, 0, 0, "ui-battle-shipspritehover", 0); this.hover.scale.set(0.4, 0.4); this.hover.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.hover.visible = false; this.addChild(this.hover); // Add ship sprite this.sprite = new Phaser.Button(, 0, 0, "arena-ship"); this.sprite.scale.set(0.1, 0.1); this.sprite.rotation = ship.arena_angle; this.sprite.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.sprite); // Handle input on ship sprite this.sprite.input.useHandCursor = true; this.sprite.onInputOver.add(() => { battleview.cursorOnShip(ship); }); this.sprite.onInputOut.add(() => { battleview.cursorOffShip(ship); }); this.sprite.onInputUp.add(() => { battleview.cursorClicked(); }); // Set location this.position.set(ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y); } // Set the hovered state on this ship // This will toggle the hover effect setHovered(hovered: boolean) { this.hover.visible = hovered; } // Move the sprite to a location moveTo(x: number, y: number, animate: boolean = true) { var angle = Math.atan2(y - this.y, x - this.x); if (animate) { var tween_group =; var tween_sprite =;{x: x, y: y}); tween_group.start();{rotation: angle}); tween_sprite.start(); } else { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.sprite.rotation = angle; } } } }