module TS.SpaceTac.UI { // A single displayed message class Message extends Phaser.Group { view: BaseView background: Phaser.Graphics text: Phaser.Text constructor(parent: Messages, text: string, duration: number) { super(; this.view = parent.view; this.background = new Phaser.Graphics(; this.add(this.background); this.text = new Phaser.Text(, 0, 0, text, { font: "bold 14pt Arial", fill: "#90FEE3" }); this.add(this.text); this.position.set(parent.view.getWidth(), 10); parent.view.timer.schedule(duration, () => this.hide()); } // Hide the message hide() { var tween =;{ y: this.y + 50, alpha: 0 }, 400, Phaser.Easing.Circular.In); tween.onComplete.addOnce(() => { this.destroy(); }); tween.start(); } update() { UITools.drawBackground(this.text, this.background, 6); this.x = this.view.getWidth() - this.width - 10; } } // Visual notifications of game-related messages (eg. "Game saved"...) export class Messages { // Link to parent view view: BaseView; // Main group to hold the visual messages container: Phaser.Group; constructor(parent: BaseView) { this.view = parent; this.container = new Phaser.Group(; parent.add.existing(this.container); } // Add a new message to the notifications addMessage(text: string, duration: number = 3000): void { this.container.forEachExists((child: Message) => { child.y += child.height + 5; }, this); var message = new Message(this, text, duration); this.container.addChild(message); } } }