module TK.SpaceTac.UI { export type IBounded = { x: number y: number width: number height: number } /** * Destroy all children of a Phaser object * * This is a workaround for a removeChildren bug */ export function destroyChildren(obj: UIContainer, start = 0, end = obj.length - 1) { obj.list.slice(start, end + 1).forEach(child => child.destroy()); } /** * Common UI function to work around some Phaser limitations */ export class UITools { /** * Check that a game object has transform and bounds available */ static isSpatial(obj: any): obj is Phaser.GameObjects.Components.GetBounds & Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform { return obj instanceof UIImage || obj instanceof UIText || obj instanceof UIContainer; } /** * Get the bounding rectanle of a displayed object, in screen space */ static getBounds(obj: UIContainer | (Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject & Phaser.GameObjects.Components.GetBounds)): IBounded { let result: IBounded; if (obj instanceof UIContainer) { result = obj.getBounds(); } else { result = obj.getBounds(); } return result; } /** * Check if a game object is visible */ static isVisible(obj: Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject & Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Visible & Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Alpha): boolean { if (obj.visible && obj.alpha) { if (obj.parentContainer) { return this.isVisible(obj.parentContainer); } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * Get the position of an object, adjusted to remain inside a container */ static positionInside(obj: IBounded, container: IBounded): [number, number] { let y = obj.y; if (y + obj.height > container.height) { y = container.height - obj.height; } if (y < container.y) { y = container.y; } let x = obj.x; if (x + obj.width > container.width) { x = container.width - obj.width; } if (x < container.x) { x = container.x; } return [x, y]; } /** * Reposition an object to remain inside a container */ static keepInside(obj: UIButton | UIImage | UIContainer, rect: IBounded) { let objbounds = UITools.getBounds(obj); let [x, y] = UITools.positionInside({ x: obj.x, y: obj.y, width: objbounds.width, height: objbounds.height }, rect); if (x != obj.x || y != obj.y) { obj.setPosition(x, y); } } /** * Compare two rectangles */ static compareRects(rct1: IBounded, rct2: IBounded) { return rct1.x == rct2.x && rct1.y == rct2.y && rct1.width == rct2.width && rct1.height == rct2.height; } /** * Returns the bounding rectangle containing two other rectangles */ static unionRects(rct1: IBounded, rct2: IBounded): IBounded { let result: IBounded; if (rct1.width == 0 || rct1.height == 0) { result = rct2; } else if (rct2.width == 0 || rct2.height == 0) { result = rct1; } else { let xmin = Math.min(rct1.x, rct2.x); let xmax = Math.max(rct1.x + rct1.width, rct2.x + rct2.width); let ymin = Math.min(rct1.y, rct2.y); let ymax = Math.max(rct1.y + rct1.height, rct2.y + rct2.height); result = { x: xmin, y: ymin, width: xmax - xmin, height: ymax - ymin }; } if (result.width == 0 || result.height == 0) { return { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }; } else { return result; } } /** * Constraint an angle in radians the ]-pi;pi] range. */ static normalizeAngle(angle: number): number { angle = angle % (2 * Math.PI); if (angle <= -Math.PI) { return angle + 2 * Math.PI; } else if (angle > Math.PI) { return angle - 2 * Math.PI; } else { return angle; } } /** * Evenly space identical items in a parent * * Returns the relative position of item's center inside parent_width */ static evenlySpace(parent_width: number, item_width: number, item_count: number): number[] { if (item_width * item_count <= parent_width) { let spacing = parent_width / item_count; return range(item_count).map(i => (i + 0.5) * spacing); } else { let breadth = parent_width - item_width; let spacing = breadth / (item_count - 1); return range(item_count).map(i => item_width / 2 + i * spacing); } } /** * Draw a background around a content */ static drawBackground(content: UIContainer | UIText, background: UIBackground, border = 6): [number, number] { if (content.parentContainer === background.parent) { background.adaptToContent(content); return [background.width, background.height]; } else { console.error("Cannot draw background with different parents", content, background); return [0, 0]; } } } }