module SpaceTac.View { // Interactive view of a Battle export class BattleView extends Phaser.State { // Displayed battle battle: Game.Battle; // Interacting player player: Game.Player; // UI container ui: UIGroup; // Battleground container arena: Phaser.Group; // Targetting mode (null if we're not in this mode) targetting: Targetting; // Card to display current playing ship card_playing: Widgets.ShipCard; // Card to display hovered ship card_hovered: Widgets.ShipCard; // Currently hovered ship ship_hovered: Game.Ship; // Subscription to the battle log log_subscription: any; // Init the view, binding it to a specific battle init(player, battle) { this.player = player; this.battle = battle; this.targetting = null; this.ship_hovered = null; this.log_subscription = null; } // Create view graphics create() { var battleview = this; var game =; var player = this.player; this.ui = new UIGroup(game); game.add.existing(this.ui); var ui = this.ui; this.arena = new Phaser.Group(game); game.add.existing(this.arena); var arena = this.arena; this.card_playing = new Widgets.ShipCard(this, 500, 0); this.card_hovered = new Widgets.ShipCard(this, 500, 300); game.stage.backgroundColor = 0x000000; // Add ship buttons to UI this.battle.play_order.forEach(function (ship: Game.Ship, rank: number) { new Widgets.ShipListItem(battleview, 0, rank * 50, ship, ship.getPlayer() === player); }); // Add ship sprites to arena this.battle.play_order.forEach(function (ship: Game.Ship) { new Arena.ShipArenaSprite(battleview, ship); }); // Subscribe to log events this.battle.log.subscribe((event) => { battleview.processBattleEvent(event); }); this.battle.injectInitialEvents(); } // Leaving the view, we unbind the battle shutdown() { if (this.log_subscription) { this.battle.log.unsubscribe(this.log_subscription); this.log_subscription = null; } if (this.ui) { this.ui.destroy(); this.ui = null; } if (this.arena) { this.arena.destroy(); this.arena = null; } if (this.card_playing) { this.card_playing.destroy(); this.card_playing = null; } if (this.card_hovered) { this.card_hovered.destroy(); this.card_hovered = null; } this.battle = null; } // Process a BaseLogEvent processBattleEvent(event: Game.Events.BaseLogEvent) { console.log("Battle event", event); if (event.code == "ship_change") { // Playing ship changed this.card_playing.setShip(; } } // Method called when cursor starts hovering over a ship (or its icon) cursorOnShip(ship: Game.Ship): void { this.setShipHovered(ship); } // Method called when cursor stops hovering over a ship (or its icon) cursorOffShip(ship: Game.Ship): void { if (this.ship_hovered === ship) { this.setShipHovered(null); } } // Set the currently hovered ship setShipHovered(ship: Game.Ship): void { this.ship_hovered = ship; this.card_hovered.setShip(ship); } // Enter targetting mode // While in this mode, the Targetting object will receive hover and click events, and handle them enterTargettingMode(): Targetting { this.targetting = new Targetting(this); return this.targetting; } // Exit targetting mode exitTargettingMode(): void { this.targetting = null; } } }