tool extends Node2D signal played(card, anchor, unit) const AnimHelper = preload("res://helpers/") const BattleHelper = preload("res://helpers/") export var title = "Card" setget set_title export(Texture) var portrait setget set_portrait export(PackedScene) var spawned_unit setget set_spawned_unit var dragged = false var base_position var selected_anchor var hero func _ready(): set_portrait(portrait) set_title(title) set_spawned_unit(spawned_unit) base_position = position func get_size() -> Vector2: return $background.texture.get_size() func set_title(val): title = val if has_node("title"): $title.text = title func set_portrait(val): portrait = val if has_node("portrait"): $portrait.texture = portrait func set_spawned_unit(val): spawned_unit = val if has_node("points"): if spawned_unit: var unit = spawned_unit.instance() $points.move = unit.base_move_points $points.hull = unit.base_hull_points $points.shield = unit.base_shield_points $points.damage = unit.base_damage_points $points.visible = true else: $points.visible = false func set_hero(val: Node): hero = val func can_be_used_on_anchor(anchor): if anchor is Anchor: if spawned_unit: return anchor.is_empty() and hero and anchor.is_connected_to(hero.get_parent()) else: return true else: return false func set_hand_location(loc: Vector2): position = loc base_position = loc func update_anchors(): var position = global_position + (get_size() / 2) if dragged else null selected_anchor = BattleHelper.update_anchors(get_tree(), position, funcref(self, "can_be_used_on_anchor")) func play(anchor): var unit if spawned_unit: unit = BattleHelper.spawn_unit(spawned_unit, anchor, hero.attacker if hero else false) emit_signal("played", self, anchor, unit) func return_to_base(): AnimHelper.linear_goto(self, base_position, 0.3) func on_dragged(active, relative, absolute): if dragged != active: dragged = active modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5) if dragged else Color(1, 1, 1, 1) if not dragged: if selected_anchor: play(selected_anchor) else: return_to_base() if relative: set_position(position + relative) update_anchors()