module TS.SpaceTac.UI { // Bar with all available action icons displayed export class ActionBar extends Phaser.Group { // Link to the parent battleview battleview: BattleView; // List of action icons actions: ActionIcon[]; // Progress bar displaying action points actionpoints: ValueBar; actionpointstemp: ValueBar; // Tooltip to display hovered action info tooltip: ActionTooltip; // Current ship, whose actions are displayed ship: Ship; // Create an empty action bar constructor(battleview: BattleView) { super(; this.battleview = battleview; this.actions = []; this.ship = null; battleview.ui.add(this); // Background this.addChild(new Phaser.Image(, 0, 0, "battle-actionbar", 0)); // Action points progress bar this.actionpoints = new ValueBar(, 190, 108, "battle-actionpointsempty"); this.actionpoints.setBarImage("battle-actionpointspart"); this.addChild(this.actionpoints); this.actionpointstemp = new ValueBar(, 190, 108, "battle-actionpointsnone"); this.actionpointstemp.setBarImage("battle-actionpointsfull"); this.addChild(this.actionpointstemp); // Tooltip this.tooltip = new ActionTooltip(this); this.addChild(this.tooltip); } // Clear the action icons clearAll(): void { this.actions.forEach((action: ActionIcon) => { action.destroy(); }); this.actions = []; this.tooltip.setAction(null); } // Add an action icon addAction(ship: Ship, action: BaseAction): ActionIcon { var icon = new ActionIcon(this, 192 + this.actions.length * 88, 8, ship, action); this.actions.push(icon); this.tooltip.bringToTop(); return icon; } // Update the action points indicator updateActionPoints(): void { if (this.ship) { this.actionpoints.setValue(this.ship.values.power.get(), this.ship.attributes.power_capacity.get()); this.actionpointstemp.setValue(this.ship.values.power.get(), this.ship.attributes.power_capacity.get()); this.actionpoints.visible = true; this.actionpointstemp.visible = true; } else { this.actionpoints.visible = false; this.actionpointstemp.visible = false; } } // Update fading flags // ap_usage is the consumption of currently selected action updateFadings(ap_usage: number): void { var remaining_ap = this.ship.values.power.get() - ap_usage; if (remaining_ap < 0) { remaining_ap = 0; } this.actions.forEach((icon: ActionIcon) => { icon.updateFadingStatus(remaining_ap); }); this.actionpointstemp.setValue(remaining_ap, this.ship.attributes.power_capacity.get()); } // Set action icons from selected ship setShip(ship: Ship): void { this.clearAll(); if (ship.getPlayer() === this.battleview.player) { var actions = ship.getAvailableActions(); actions.forEach((action: BaseAction) => { this.addAction(ship, action); }); this.ship = ship;{ "alpha": 1 }, 400).start(); } else { this.ship = null;{ "alpha": 0.5 }, 400).start(); } this.updateActionPoints(); } // Called by an action icon when the action is selected actionStarted(): void { } // Called by an action icon when the action has been applied actionEnded(): void { this.updateActionPoints(); this.actions.forEach((action: ActionIcon) => { action.resetState(); }); this.battleview.exitTargettingMode(); } } }