module TK.SpaceTac.UI { // Bar with all available action icons displayed export class ActionBar extends Phaser.Group { // Link to the parent battleview battleview: BattleView // List of action icons actions: Phaser.Group action_icons: ActionIcon[] // Power indicator power: Phaser.Group power_icons: Phaser.Group // Indicator of interaction disabled icon_waiting: Phaser.Image // Current ship, whose actions are displayed ship: Ship | null // Interactivity interactive = true; // Create an empty action bar constructor(battleview: BattleView) { super(; this.battleview = battleview; this.action_icons = []; this.ship = null; battleview.layer_borders.add(this); // Background this.add(new Phaser.Image(, 0, 0, "battle-actionbar-background", 0)); // Group for actions this.actions =, "actions"); this.actions.position.set(86, 6); this.actions.add(new Phaser.Image(, 0, 0, "battle-actionbar-actions-background")); // Power bar this.power =, "power"); this.power.position.set(1468, 0); this.power.add(battleview.newImage("battle-actionbar-power-background", 0, 6)); this.power_icons =, "power icons"); this.power_icons.position.set(50, 14); // Playing ship this.add(battleview.newImage("battle-actionbar-ship", 1730, -2)); // Waiting icon this.icon_waiting = new Phaser.Image(, this.width / 2, this.height / 2, "common-waiting", 0); this.icon_waiting.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.icon_waiting.animations.add("loop").play(9, true); this.add(this.icon_waiting); // Options button let button = battleview.add.button(0, 0, "battle-actionbar-button-menu", () => battleview.showOptions(), null, 1, 0, 0, 1, this); battleview.tooltip.bindStaticText(button, "Game options"); // Log processing battleview.log_processor.register(diff => { if (!(diff instanceof BaseBattleShipDiff) || !this.ship || ! { return {}; } if (diff instanceof ShipValueDiff && diff.code == "power") { return { background: async () => { this.updatePower(); this.action_icons.forEach(action => action.refresh()); } } } else if (diff instanceof ShipAttributeDiff && diff.code == "power_capacity") { return { background: async () => this.updatePower() } } else if (diff instanceof ShipActionUsedDiff || diff instanceof ShipActionToggleDiff) { return { background: async () => this.action_icons.forEach(action => action.refresh()) } } else if (diff instanceof ShipCooldownDiff) { return { background: async () => { let icons = this.action_icons.filter(icon => &&; icons.forEach(icon => icon.refresh()); } } } else if (diff instanceof ShipChangeDiff) { return { background: async () => { this.setShip(null); } } } else { return {} } }); battleview.log_processor.watchForShipChange(ship => { return { background: async () => { this.setShip(ship); } } }); this.setInteractive(false); } /** * Check if an action is selected */ hasActionSelected(): boolean { return any(this.action_icons, icon => icon.selected); } /** * Set the interactivity state */ setInteractive(interactive: boolean) { if (this.interactive != interactive) { this.interactive = interactive; this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.icon_waiting, !this.interactive, 100); this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.power, interactive, 100, 1, 0.3); this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.actions, interactive, 100, 1, 0.3); } } /** * Called when an action shortcut key is pressed */ keyActionPressed(position: number) { if (this.interactive) { if (position < 0) { this.action_icons[this.action_icons.length - 1].processClick(); } else if (position < this.action_icons.length - 1) { this.action_icons[position].processClick(); } } } /** * Remove all the action icons */ clearAll(): void { this.action_icons.forEach(action => action.destroy()); this.action_icons = []; } /** * Add an action icon */ addAction(ship: Ship, action: BaseAction): ActionIcon { var icon = new ActionIcon(this, ship, action, this.action_icons.length); icon.moveTo(this.actions, 74 + this.action_icons.length * 138, 58); this.action_icons.push(icon); return icon; } /** * Update the power indicator */ updatePower(move_power = 0, fire_power = 0): void { let power_capacity = this.ship ? this.ship.getAttribute("power_capacity") : 0; let power_value = this.ship ? this.ship.getValue("power") : 0; let current_power = this.power_icons.children.length; if (current_power > power_capacity) { destroyChildren(this.power_icons, power_capacity, current_power); } else if (power_capacity > current_power) { range(power_capacity - current_power).forEach(i => { let x = (current_power + i) % 5; let y = ((current_power + i) - x) / 5; let image = this.battleview.newImage("battle-actionbar-power-used", x * 43, y * 22); this.power_icons.add(image); }); } let remaining_power = power_value - move_power - fire_power; this.power_icons.children.forEach((obj, idx) => { let img = obj; if (idx < remaining_power) { this.battleview.changeImage(img, "battle-actionbar-power-available"); } else if (idx < remaining_power + move_power) { this.battleview.changeImage(img, "battle-actionbar-power-move"); } else if (idx < power_value) { this.battleview.changeImage(img, "battle-actionbar-power-fire"); } else { this.battleview.changeImage(img, "battle-actionbar-power-used"); } }); } /** * Temporarily set current action power usage. * * When an action is selected, this will fade the icons not available after the action would be done. * This will also highlight power usage in the power bar. * * *move_power* and *fire_power* is the consumption of currently selected action/target. */ updateSelectedActionPower(move_power: number, fire_power: number, action: BaseAction): void { this.action_icons.forEach(icon => icon.refresh(action, move_power + fire_power)); this.updatePower(move_power, fire_power); } /** * Temporarily set power status for a given move-fire simulation */ updateFromSimulation(action: BaseAction, simulation: MoveFireResult) { if (simulation.complete) { this.updateSelectedActionPower(simulation.total_move_ap, simulation.total_fire_ap, action); } else { this.updateSelectedActionPower(0, 0, action); } } /** * Set the bar to display a given ship */ setShip(ship: Ship | null): void { this.clearAll(); if (ship && && ship.alive) { var actions = ship.getAvailableActions(); actions.forEach((action: BaseAction) => { this.addAction(ship, action); }); this.ship = ship; } else { this.ship = null; } this.updatePower(); } // Called by an action icon when the action is selected actionStarted(): void { } // Called by an action icon when the action has been applied actionEnded(): void { this.battleview.exitTargettingMode(); this.updatePower(); this.action_icons.forEach(action => action.refresh()); } } }