module SpaceTac.View { "use strict"; // Icon to activate a ship capability (move, fire...) export class ActionIcon extends Phaser.Button { // Link to the parent battle view battleview: BattleView; // Related ship ship: Game.Ship; // Related game action action: Game.BaseAction; // Current targetting private targetting: Targetting; // Create an icon for a single ship action constructor(bar: ActionBar, x: number, y: number, ship: Game.Ship, action: Game.BaseAction) { this.battleview = bar.battleview; this.ship = ship; this.action = action; super(, x, y, "action-" + action.code); bar.addChild(this); // TODO Handle action.canBeUsed() result to enable/disable the button this.input.useHandCursor = true; this.onInputUp.add(() => { this.processClick(); }, this); } // Process a click event on the action icon processClick() { if (!this.action.canBeUsed(this.battleview.battle, this.ship)) { return; } console.log("Action started", this.action); if (this.action.needs_target) { this.targetting = this.battleview.enterTargettingMode(); this.targetting.setSource(this.battleview.arena.findShipSprite(this.ship)); this.targetting.targetSelected.add(this.processSelection, this); this.targetting.targetHovered.add(this.processHover, this); } else { this.processSelection(null); } } // Called when a target is hovered // This will check the target against current action and adjust it if needed processHover(target: Game.Target) { target = this.action.checkTarget(this.battleview.battle, this.ship, target); this.targetting.setTarget(target, false); } // Called when a target is selected processSelection(target: Game.Target) { console.log("Action target", this.action, target); if (this.action.apply(this.battleview.battle, this.ship, target)) { this.battleview.exitTargettingMode(); } } } }