/// module TK.SpaceTac { /** * A single ship in a fleet */ export class Ship extends RObject { // Fleet this ship is a member of fleet: Fleet // Level of this ship level = new ShipLevel() skills = new ShipSkills() // Name of the ship name: string // Code of the ShipModel used to create it model: ShipModel // Flag indicating if the ship is alive alive: boolean // Flag indicating that the ship is mission critical (escorted ship) critical = false // Position in the arena arena_x: number arena_y: number // Facing direction in the arena arena_angle: number // Active effects (sticky or area) active_effects = new RObjectContainer() // List of slots, able to contain equipment slots: Slot[] // Cargo cargo_space: number = 0 cargo: Equipment[] = [] // Ship attributes attributes = new ShipAttributes() // Ship values values = new ShipValues() // Personality personality = new Personality() // Boolean set to true if the ship is currently playing its turn playing = false // Priority in play_order play_priority = 0; // Create a new ship inside a fleet constructor(fleet: Fleet | null = null, name = "unnamed", model = new ShipModel("default", "Default", 1, 0, false, 0)) { super(); this.fleet = fleet || new Fleet(); this.name = name; this.alive = true; this.slots = []; this.arena_x = 0; this.arena_y = 0; this.arena_angle = 0; this.fleet.addShip(this); this.model = model; this.setCargoSpace(model.cargo); model.slots.forEach(slot => this.addSlot(slot)); } /** * Return the current location and angle of this ship */ get location(): ArenaLocationAngle { return new ArenaLocationAngle(this.arena_x, this.arena_y, this.arena_angle); } /** * Returns the full name of this ship */ getFullName(owner = true): string { let result = `Level ${this.level.get()} ${this.name}`; return owner ? `${this.fleet.player.name}'s ${result}` : result; } // Returns true if the ship is able to play // If *check_ap* is true, ap_current=0 will make this function return false isAbleToPlay(check_ap: boolean = true): boolean { var ap_checked = !check_ap || this.getValue("power") > 0; return this.alive && ap_checked; } // Set position in the arena // This does not consumes action points setArenaPosition(x: number, y: number) { this.arena_x = x; this.arena_y = y; } // Set facing angle in the arena setArenaFacingAngle(angle: number) { this.arena_angle = angle; } // String repr jasmineToString(): string { return "Ship " + this.name; } // Make an initiative throw, to resolve play order in a battle throwInitiative(gen: RandomGenerator): void { this.play_priority = gen.random() * this.attributes.maneuvrability.get(); } // Return the player owning this ship getPlayer(): Player { return this.fleet.player; } /** * Check if a player is playing this ship */ isPlayedBy(player: Player): boolean { return this.getPlayer().is(player); } // get the current battle this ship is engaged in getBattle(): Battle | null { return this.fleet.battle; } /** * Get the list of actions available * * This list does not filter out actions unavailable due to insufficient AP, it only filters out actions that * are not allowed/available at all on the ship */ getAvailableActions(): BaseAction[] { var actions: BaseAction[] = []; if (this.alive) { let slots = [SlotType.Engine, SlotType.Power, SlotType.Hull, SlotType.Shield, SlotType.Weapon]; slots.forEach(slot => { this.listEquipment(slot).forEach(equipment => { if (equipment.action) { actions.push(equipment.action) } }); }); } actions.push(EndTurnAction.SINGLETON); return actions; } /** * Get an available action by its ID */ getAction(action_id: RObjectId): BaseAction | null { return first(this.getAvailableActions(), action => action.is(action_id)); } /** * Get the number of upgrade points available to improve skills */ getAvailableUpgradePoints(): number { let used = keys(SHIP_SKILLS).map(skill => this.skills[skill].get()).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); return this.level.getSkillPoints() - used; } /** * Try to upgrade a skill by 1 point or more */ upgradeSkill(skill: keyof ShipSkills, points = 1) { if (this.getBattle()) { console.error("Cannot upgrade skill during battle"); } else if (this.getAvailableUpgradePoints() >= points) { this.skills[skill].addModifier(points); this.updateAttributes(); } } // Add an event to the battle log, if any addBattleEvent(event: BaseBattleDiff): void { var battle = this.getBattle(); if (battle && battle.log) { battle.log.add(event); } } /** * Get a ship value */ getValue(name: keyof ShipValues): number { return this.values[name]; } /** * Set a ship value */ setValue(name: keyof ShipValues, value: number, relative = false): void { if (relative) { value += this.values[name]; } this.values[name] = value; } /** * Get a ship attribute's current value */ getAttribute(name: keyof ShipAttributes): number { if (!this.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name)) { console.error(`No such ship attribute: ${name}`); return 0; } return this.attributes[name].get(); } // Initialize the action points counter // This should be called once at the start of a battle // If no value is provided, the attribute power_capacity will be used private initializePower(value: number | null = null): void { if (value === null) { value = this.getAttribute("power_capacity"); } this.setValue("power", value); } /** * Consumes action points * * Return true if it was possible, false if there wasn't enough points. */ useActionPoints(value: number): boolean { if (this.getValue("power") >= value) { this.setValue("power", -value, true); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Method called at the start of battle, to restore a pristine condition on the ship */ restoreInitialState() { this.alive = true; this.active_effects = new RObjectContainer(); this.updateAttributes(); this.restoreHealth(); this.initializePower(); this.listEquipment().forEach(equipment => equipment.cooldown.reset()); } /** * Check if the ship is inside a given circular area */ isInCircle(x: number, y: number, radius: number): boolean { let dx = this.arena_x - x; let dy = this.arena_y - y; let distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); return distance <= radius; } /** * Get the distance to another ship */ getDistanceTo(other: Ship): number { return Target.newFromShip(this).getDistanceTo(Target.newFromShip(other)); } /** * Get the diffs needed to apply changes to a ship value */ getValueDiffs(name: keyof ShipValues, value: number, relative = false): BaseBattleDiff[] { let result: BaseBattleDiff[] = []; let current = this.values[name]; if (relative) { value += current; } // TODO apply range limitations if (current != value) { result.push(new ShipValueDiff(this, name, value - current)); } return result; } /** * Produce diffs needed to put the ship in emergency stasis */ getDeathDiffs(battle: Battle): BaseBattleDiff[] { let result: BaseBattleDiff[] = []; keys(SHIP_VALUES).forEach(value => { result = result.concat(this.getValueDiffs(value, 0)); }); // TODO Remove sticky effects result.push(new ShipDeathDiff(battle, this)); return result; } /** * Set the death status on this ship */ setDead(): void { let battle = this.getBattle(); if (battle) { let events = this.getDeathDiffs(battle); battle.applyDiffs(events); } else { console.error("Cannot set ship dead outside of battle", this); } } /** * Get cargo space not occupied by items */ getFreeCargoSpace(): number { return this.cargo_space - this.cargo.length; } /** * Set the available cargo space. */ setCargoSpace(cargo: number) { this.cargo_space = cargo; this.cargo.splice(this.cargo_space); } /** * Add an equipment to cargo space * * Returns true if successful */ addCargo(item: Equipment): boolean { if (this.cargo.length < this.cargo_space) { return add(this.cargo, item); } else { return false; } } /** * Remove an item from cargo space * * Returns true if successful */ removeCargo(item: Equipment): boolean { return remove(this.cargo, item); } /** * Equip an item from cargo to the first available slot * * Returns true if successful */ equip(item: Equipment, from_cargo = true): boolean { let free_slot = this.canEquip(item); if (free_slot && (!from_cargo || remove(this.cargo, item))) { free_slot.attach(item); if (item.attached_to == free_slot && free_slot.attached == item) { this.updateAttributes(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } /** * Check if a ship is able to equip en item, and return the slot it may fit in, or null */ canEquip(item: Equipment): Slot | null { let free_slot = first(this.slots, slot => slot.type == item.slot_type && !slot.attached); if (free_slot) { if (item.canBeEquipped(this.attributes)) { return free_slot; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * Remove an equipped item, returning it to cargo * * Returns true if successful */ unequip(item: Equipment, to_cargo = true): boolean { if (item.attached_to && item.attached_to.attached == item && (!to_cargo || this.cargo.length < this.cargo_space)) { item.detach(); if (to_cargo) { add(this.cargo, item); } this.updateAttributes(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add an empty equipment slot of the given type */ addSlot(type: SlotType): Slot { var result = new Slot(this, type); this.slots.push(result); return result; } /** * List all equipments attached to slots of a given type (any slot type if null) */ listEquipment(slottype: SlotType | null = null): Equipment[] { return nna(this.slots.filter(slot => slot.attached && (slottype == null || slot.type == slottype)).map(slot => slot.attached)); } /** * Get the first free slot of a given type, null if none is available */ getFreeSlot(type: SlotType): Slot | null { return first(this.slots, slot => slot.type == type && slot.attached == null); } // Get the number of attached equipments getEquipmentCount(): number { var result = 0; this.slots.forEach((slot: Slot) => { if (slot.attached) { result++; } }); return result; } // Get a random attached equipment, null if no equipment is attached getRandomEquipment(random = RandomGenerator.global): Equipment | null { var count = this.getEquipmentCount(); if (count === 0) { return null; } else { var picked = random.randInt(0, count - 1); var result: Equipment | null = null; var index = 0; this.slots.forEach((slot: Slot) => { if (slot.attached) { if (index === picked) { result = slot.attached; } index++; } }); return result; } } /** * Get the list of equipped items */ listEquipments(): Equipment[] { return nna(this.slots.map(slot => slot.attached)); } /** * Get an equipment by its ID */ getEquipment(id: RObjectId): Equipment | null { return first(this.listEquipments(), equipment => equipment.id === id); } /** * Update attributes, taking into account attached equipment and active effects */ updateAttributes(): void { // Reset attributes keys(this.attributes).forEach(attr => this.attributes[attr].reset()); // Apply base skills keys(this.skills).forEach(skill => this.attributes[skill].addModifier(this.skills[skill].get())); // Apply attribute effects iforeach(this.ieffects(), effect => { if (effect instanceof AttributeEffect) { this.attributes[effect.attrcode].addModifier(effect.value); } else if (effect instanceof AttributeMultiplyEffect) { this.attributes[effect.attrcode].addModifier(undefined, effect.value); } else if (effect instanceof AttributeLimitEffect) { this.attributes[effect.attrcode].addModifier(undefined, undefined, effect.value); } }); } /** * Fully restore hull and shield, at their maximal capacity */ restoreHealth(): void { if (this.alive) { this.setValue("hull", this.getAttribute("hull_capacity")); this.setValue("shield", this.getAttribute("shield_capacity")); } } /** * Iterator over all effects active for this ship. */ ieffects(): Iterator { let battle = this.getBattle(); let area_effects = battle ? battle.iAreaEffects(this.arena_x, this.arena_y) : IEMPTY; return ichain( ichainit(imap(iarray(this.slots), slot => slot.attached ? iarray(slot.attached.effects) : IEMPTY)), imap(this.active_effects.iterator(), effect => (effect instanceof StickyEffect) ? effect.base : effect), area_effects ); } /** * Iterator over toggle actions */ iToggleActions(only_active = false): Iterator { return >ifilter(iarray(this.getAvailableActions()), action => { return (action instanceof ToggleAction && (action.activated || !only_active)); }); } /** * Iterator over area effects from this ship impacting a location */ iAreaEffects(x: number, y: number): Iterator { let distance = Target.newFromShip(this).getDistanceTo({ x: x, y: y }); return ichainit(imap(this.iToggleActions(true), action => { if (distance <= action.radius) { return iarray(action.effects); } else { return IEMPTY; } })); } /** * Get a textual description of an attribute, and the origin of its value */ getAttributeDescription(attribute: keyof ShipAttributes): string { let result = SHIP_VALUES_DESCRIPTIONS[attribute]; let diffs: string[] = []; let limits: string[] = []; function addEffect(base: string, effect: BaseEffect) { if (effect instanceof AttributeEffect && effect.attrcode == attribute) { diffs.push(`${base}: ${effect.value > 0 ? "+" + effect.value.toString() : effect.value}`); } else if (effect instanceof AttributeLimitEffect && effect.attrcode == attribute) { limits.push(`${base}: limit to ${effect.value}`); } } if (attribute in this.skills) { let skill = this.skills[attribute]; if (skill.get()) { diffs.push(`Levelled up: +${skill.get()}`); } } this.slots.forEach(slot => { if (slot.attached) { let equipment = slot.attached; equipment.effects.forEach(effect => addEffect(equipment.getFullName(), effect)); } }); this.active_effects.list().forEach(effect => { addEffect("???", (effect instanceof StickyEffect) ? effect.base : effect) }); let sources = diffs.concat(limits).join("\n"); return sources ? (result + "\n\n" + sources) : result; } } }