module TS.SpaceTac.UI { // Tooltip to display ship information export class ShipTooltip extends Phaser.Group { battleview: BattleView; background: Phaser.Image; title: Phaser.Text; attr_hull: Phaser.Text; attr_shield: Phaser.Text; attr_power: Phaser.Text; attr_materials: Phaser.Text; attr_electronics: Phaser.Text; attr_energy: Phaser.Text; attr_human: Phaser.Text; attr_gravity: Phaser.Text; attr_time: Phaser.Text; active_effects: Phaser.Group; stasis: Phaser.Image; constructor(parent: BattleView) { super(; this.visible = false; this.battleview = parent; this.background = new Phaser.Image(, 0, 0, "battle-ship-tooltip-own"); this.addChild(this.background); this.title = new Phaser.Text(, 250, 10, "", { font: "24pt Arial", fill: "#ffffff" }); this.title.anchor.set(0.5, 0); this.addChild(this.title); this.attr_hull = new Phaser.Text(, 97, 86, "", { font: "18pt Arial", fill: "#eb4e4a", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_hull.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_hull); this.attr_shield = new Phaser.Text(, 250, 86, "", { font: "18pt Arial", fill: "#2ad8dc", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_shield.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_shield); this.attr_power = new Phaser.Text(, 397, 86, "", { font: "18pt Arial", fill: "#ffdd4b", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_power.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_power); this.attr_materials = new Phaser.Text(, 217, 149, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_materials.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_materials); this.attr_electronics = new Phaser.Text(, 447, 149, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_electronics.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_electronics); this.attr_energy = new Phaser.Text(, 217, 176, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_energy.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_energy); this.attr_human = new Phaser.Text(, 447, 176, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_human.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_human); this.attr_gravity = new Phaser.Text(, 447, 203, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_gravity.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_gravity); this.attr_time = new Phaser.Text(, 217, 203, "", { font: "14pt Arial", fill: "#d5d5ff", fontWeight: "bold" }); this.attr_time.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(this.attr_time); this.stasis = new Phaser.Image(, 16, 55, "battle-ship-tooltip-stasis"); this.stasis.visible = false; this.addChild(this.stasis); this.active_effects = new Phaser.Group(; this.addChild(this.active_effects); } // Set current ship to display, null to hide setShip(ship: Ship | null): void { if (ship) { var enemy = ship.getPlayer() != this.battleview.player; this.background.loadTexture(`battle-ship-tooltip-${enemy ? "enemy" : "own"}`); // Find ship sprite to position next to it var sprite = this.battleview.arena.findShipSprite(ship); if (sprite) { var x = sprite.worldPosition.x + sprite.width * sprite.worldScale.x * 0.5; var y = sprite.worldPosition.y - sprite.height * sprite.worldScale.y * 0.5; if (y + this.height > this.battleview.getHeight()) { y = this.battleview.getHeight() - this.height; } if (y < 0) { y = 0; } if (x + this.width > this.battleview.getWidth()) { x = sprite.worldPosition.x - sprite.width * sprite.worldScale.x * 0.5 - this.width; } this.position.set(x, y); } else { this.position.set(0, 0); } // Fill info this.title.setText(; this.attr_hull.setText(ship.values.hull.get().toString()); this.attr_shield.setText(ship.values.shield.get().toString()); this.attr_power.setText(ship.values.power.get().toString()); this.attr_materials.setText(ship.attributes.skill_material.get().toString()); this.attr_electronics.setText(ship.attributes.skill_electronics.get().toString()); this.attr_energy.setText(ship.attributes.skill_energy.get().toString()); this.attr_human.setText(ship.attributes.skill_human.get().toString()); this.attr_gravity.setText(ship.attributes.skill_gravity.get().toString()); this.attr_time.setText(ship.attributes.skill_time.get().toString()); this.active_effects.removeAll(true); ship.sticky_effects.forEach((effect, index) => { this.addEffect(effect, index); }); ship.listEquipment(SlotType.Weapon).forEach((equipment, index) => { this.addEquipment(equipment, ship.sticky_effects.length + index); }); this.stasis.visible = !ship.alive;, 200); } else { this.battleview.animations.hide(this, 200); } } /** * Add a sticky effect display */ addEffect(effect: StickyEffect, index = 0) { let effect_group = new Phaser.Image(, 27, 243 + 60 * index, "battle-ship-tooltip-effect"); this.active_effects.addChild(effect_group); if (effect.base instanceof AttributeLimitEffect) { let attr_name = effect.base.attrcode.replace('_', ''); let attr_icon = new Phaser.Image(, 30, effect_group.height / 2, `battle-attributes-${attr_name}`); attr_icon.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); attr_icon.scale.set(0.17, 0.17); effect_group.addChild(attr_icon); let effect_icon = new Phaser.Image(, 30, effect_group.height / 2, "battle-attributes-effect-limit"); effect_icon.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); effect_icon.scale.set(0.17, 0.17); effect_group.addChild(effect_icon); } let text = `${effect.getDescription()} (${effect.duration} turns)`; let color = effect.isBeneficial() ? "#afe9c6" : "#e9afaf"; let effect_text = new Phaser.Text(, 60, effect_group.height / 2, text, { font: "16pt Arial", fill: color }); effect_text.anchor.set(0, 0.5); effect_group.addChild(effect_text); } /** * Add an equipment action display */ addEquipment(equipment: Equipment, index = 0) { let effect_group = new Phaser.Image(, 27, 243 + 60 * index, "battle-ship-tooltip-effect"); this.active_effects.addChild(effect_group); let effect_icon = new Phaser.Image(, 30, effect_group.height / 2, `battle-actions-${equipment.action.code}`); effect_icon.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); effect_icon.scale.set(0.17, 0.17); effect_group.addChild(effect_icon); let effect_text = new Phaser.Text(, 60, effect_group.height / 2,, { font: "16pt Arial", fill: "#ffffff" }); effect_text.anchor.set(0, 0.5); effect_group.addChild(effect_text); } } }