/// module SpaceTac.Game { // A turn-based battle between fleets export class Battle extends Serializable { // Flag indicating if the battle is ended ended: boolean; // Battle outcome, if *ended* is true outcome: BattleOutcome; // Log of all battle events log: BattleLog; // List of fleets engaged in battle fleets: Fleet[]; // List of ships, sorted by their initiative throw play_order: Ship[]; // Current ship whose turn it is to play playing_ship_index: number; playing_ship: Ship; // Boolean indicating if its the first turn first_turn: boolean; // Create a battle between two fleets constructor(fleet1: Fleet = null, fleet2: Fleet = null) { super(); this.log = new BattleLog(); this.fleets = [fleet1 || new Fleet(), fleet2 || new Fleet()]; this.play_order = []; this.playing_ship_index = null; this.playing_ship = null; this.first_turn = true; this.ended = false; this.fleets.forEach((fleet: Fleet) => { fleet.setBattle(this); }); } // Create a quick random battle, for testing purposes static newQuickRandom(with_ai: boolean = false): Battle { var player1 = Player.newQuickRandom("John"); var player2 = Player.newQuickRandom("Carl"); var result = new Battle(player1.fleet, player2.fleet); if (with_ai) { player2.ai = new AI.BullyAI(player2.fleet); } result.start(); return result; } // Check if a player is able to play // This can be used by the UI to determine if player interaction is allowed canPlay(player: Player): boolean { if (this.ended) { return false; } else if (this.playing_ship.getPlayer() === player) { return this.playing_ship.isAbleToPlay(); } else { return false; } } // Create play order, performing an initiative throw throwInitiative(gen: RandomGenerator = new RandomGenerator()): void { var play_order: Ship[] = []; // Throw each ship's initiative this.fleets.forEach(function (fleet: Fleet) { fleet.ships.forEach(function (ship: Ship) { ship.throwInitiative(gen); play_order.push(ship); }); }); // Sort by throw result play_order.sort(function (ship1: Ship, ship2: Ship) { return (ship2.initiative.current - ship1.initiative.current); }); this.play_order = play_order; } // Defines the initial ship positions of all engaged fleets placeShips(): void { this.first_turn = true; this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[0], 50, 320, 0); this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[1], 1020, 320, Math.PI); } // Count the number of fleets still alive countAliveFleets(): number { var result = 0; this.fleets.forEach((fleet: Fleet) => { if (fleet.isAlive()) { result += 1; } }); return result; } // Collect all ships within a given radius of a target collectShipsInCircle(center: Target, radius: number): Ship[] { var result: Ship[] = []; this.play_order.forEach((ship: Ship) => { if (Target.newFromShip(ship).getDistanceTo(center) <= radius) { result.push(ship); } }); return result; } // Ends a battle and sets the outcome endBattle(winner: Fleet, log: boolean = true) { this.ended = true; this.outcome = new BattleOutcome(winner); if (winner) { this.outcome.createLoot(this); } if (log && this.log) { this.log.add(new EndBattleEvent(this.outcome)); } } // Checks end battle conditions, returns true if the battle ended checkEndBattle(log: boolean = true) { if (this.ended) { return true; } var alive_fleets = this.countAliveFleets(); if (alive_fleets === 0) { // It's a draw this.endBattle(null, log); } else if (alive_fleets === 1) { // We have a winner var winner: Fleet = null; this.fleets.forEach((fleet: Fleet) => { if (fleet.isAlive()) { winner = fleet; } }); this.endBattle(winner, log); } return this.ended; } // End the current ship turn, passing control to the next one in play order // If at the end of the play order, next turn will start automatically // Member 'play_order' must be defined before calling this function advanceToNextShip(log: boolean = true): void { var previous_ship = this.playing_ship; if (this.checkEndBattle(log)) { return; } if (this.play_order.length === 0) { this.playing_ship_index = null; this.playing_ship = null; } else { var i = 0; do { if (this.playing_ship_index == null) { this.playing_ship_index = 0; } else { this.playing_ship_index += 1; } if (this.playing_ship_index >= this.play_order.length) { this.playing_ship_index = 0; this.first_turn = false; } this.playing_ship = this.play_order[this.playing_ship_index]; i++; } while (!this.playing_ship.alive && i < 1000); if (i >= 1000) { throw new Error("Infinite loop in advanceToNextShip"); } } if (this.playing_ship) { this.playing_ship.startTurn(this.first_turn); if (!this.playing_ship.isAbleToPlay()) { // If the ship is not able to play, wait a little, then advance to the next one setTimeout(() => { this.advanceToNextShip(log); }, 2000); } else if (this.playing_ship.getPlayer().ai) { // If the ship is managed by an AI, let it get to work this.playing_ship.getPlayer().ai.playShip(this.playing_ship); } } if (log) { this.log.add(new ShipChangeEvent(previous_ship, this.playing_ship)); } } // Start the battle // This will call all necessary initialization steps (initiative, placement...) // This will not add any event to the battle log start(): void { this.ended = false; this.placeShips(); this.throwInitiative(); this.play_order.forEach((ship: Ship) => { ship.updateAttributes(); ship.restoreHealth(); }); this.advanceToNextShip(); } // Force an injection of events in the battle log to simulate the initial state // For instance, this may be called after 'start', to use the log subscription system // to initialize a battle UI // Attributes 'play_order' and 'playing_ship' should be defined before calling this injectInitialEvents(): void { var log = this.log; // Simulate initial ship placement this.play_order.forEach((ship: Ship) => { log.add(new MoveEvent(ship, ship.arena_x, ship.arena_y)); }); // Simulate game turn if (this.playing_ship) { log.add(new ShipChangeEvent(this.playing_ship, this.playing_ship)); } } // Defines the initial ship positions for one fleet // x and y are the center of the fleet placement // facing_angle is the forward angle in radians private placeFleetShips(fleet: Fleet, x: number, y: number, facing_angle: number): void { var side_angle = facing_angle + Math.PI * 0.5; var spacing = 140; var total_length = spacing * (fleet.ships.length - 1); var dx = Math.cos(side_angle); var dy = Math.sin(side_angle); x -= dx * total_length * 0.5; y -= dy * total_length * 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < fleet.ships.length; i++) { fleet.ships[i].setArenaPosition(x + i * dx * spacing, y + i * dy * spacing); fleet.ships[i].setArenaFacingAngle(facing_angle); } } } }