module TK.SpaceTac { /** * Single upgrade for a ship * * Upgrades allow for customizing a model, and are unlocked at given levels */ export type ModelUpgrade = { // Displayable upgrade name, should be unique on the model code: string // Upgrade points cost (may be used to balance upgrades) cost?: number // Optional list of upgrade codes that must be activated for this one to be available depends?: string[] // Optional list of upgrade codes that this upgrade will fully replace replaces?: string[] // Optional list of upgrade codes that conflicts with this upgrade conflicts?: string[] // List of actions that this upgrade offers actions?: BaseAction[] // List of effects that this upgrade offers effects?: BaseEffect[] } /** * Base class for ship models. * * A model defines the ship's design, actions, permanent effects, and levelling options. */ export class BaseModel { constructor( // Code to identify the model readonly code = "default", // Human-readable model name readonly name = "Ship" ) { } /** * Check if this model is available at a given level */ isAvailable(level: number): boolean { // TODO return true; } /** * Get a textual description of the model */ getDescription(): string { return ""; } /** * Get basic level upgrades */ protected getStandardUpgrades(level: number): ModelUpgrade[] { return [ { code: `Hull upgrade Lv${level - 1}`, effects: [new AttributeEffect("hull_capacity", 5)], cost: 2 }, { code: `Shield upgrade Lv${level - 1}`, effects: [new AttributeEffect("shield_capacity", 5)], cost: 2 }, { code: `Power upgrade Lv${level - 1}`, effects: [new AttributeEffect("power_capacity", 1)], cost: 3 }, ]; } /** * Get the list of upgrades unlocked at a given level */ getLevelUpgrades(level: number): ModelUpgrade[] { return []; } /** * Get the list of upgrades activated, given a ship level and an upgrade set */ getActivatedUpgrades(level: number, upgrade_codes: string[]): ModelUpgrade[] { let result: ModelUpgrade[] = []; range(level).forEach(i => { let upgrades = this.getLevelUpgrades(i + 1); if (i == 0) { result = result.concat(upgrades); } else { // TODO Apply depends, replaces and conflicts upgrades.forEach(upgrade => { if (contains(upgrade_codes, upgrade.code)) { result.push(upgrade); } }); } }); return result; } /** * Get the list of available upgrades, given a ship level * * This does not filter the upgrades on dependencies */ getAvailableUpgrades(level: number): ModelUpgrade[] { return flatten(range(level).map(i => this.getLevelUpgrades(i + 1))); } /** * Get the list of actions at a given level and upgrades set * * This does not include an "end turn" action. */ getActions(level: number, upgrade_codes: string[]): BaseAction[] { return flatten(this.getActivatedUpgrades(level, upgrade_codes).map(upgrade => upgrade.actions || [])); } /** * Get the list of permanent effects at a given level and upgrades set */ getEffects(level: number, upgrade_codes: string[]): BaseEffect[] { return flatten(this.getActivatedUpgrades(level, upgrade_codes).map(upgrade => upgrade.effects || [])); } /** * Get the default ship model collection available in-game * * This scans the current namespace for model classes starting with 'Model'. */ static getDefaultCollection(): BaseModel[] { let result: BaseModel[] = []; let namespace: any = TK.SpaceTac; for (let class_name in namespace) { if (class_name && class_name.indexOf("Model") == 0) { let model_class = namespace[class_name]; if (model_class.prototype instanceof BaseModel) { let model = new model_class(); result.push(model); } } } return result; } /** * Pick a random model in the default collection */ static getRandomModel(level?: number, random = BaseModel { let collection = BaseModel.getDefaultCollection(); if (level) { collection = collection.filter(model => model.isAvailable(level)); } if (collection.length == 0) { console.error("Couldn't pick a random ship model"); return new BaseModel(); } else { return random.choice(collection); } } /** * Pick random models in the default collection * * At first it tries to pick unique models, then fill with duplicates */ static getRandomModels(count: number, level?: number, random = BaseModel[] { let collection = BaseModel.getDefaultCollection(); if (level) { collection = collection.filter(model => model.isAvailable(level)); } if (collection.length == 0) { console.error("Couldn't pick a random model"); return range(count).map(() => new BaseModel()); } else { let result: BaseModel[] = []; while (count > 0) { let picked = random.sample(collection, Math.min(count, collection.length)); result = result.concat(picked); count -= picked.length; } return result; } } } }