module TK.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Dialog to show available missions */ export class MissionsDialog extends UIDialog { shop: Shop player: Player location: StarLocation on_change: Function constructor(view: BaseView, shop: Shop, player: Player, on_change?: Function) { super(view); = shop; this.player = player; this.location = player.fleet.location || new StarLocation(); this.on_change = on_change || (() => null); this.refresh(); } /** * Refresh the dialog content */ refresh() { this.clearContent(); this.addCloseButton(); let offset = 160; let active = this.player.missions.getCurrent().filter(mission => !mission.main); if (active.length) { this.addText(this.width / 2, offset, "Active jobs", "#b8d2f1", 36); offset += 110; active.forEach(mission => { this.addMission(offset, mission, 0, () => null); offset += 110; }); } let proposed =; if (proposed.length) { this.addText(this.width / 2, offset, "Proposed jobs", "#b8d2f1", 36); offset += 110; proposed.forEach(mission => { this.addMission(offset, mission, 2, () => {, this.player); this.close(); this.on_change(); }); offset += 110; }); } } /** * Add a mission text */ addMission(yoffset: number, mission: Mission, button_frame: number, button_callback: Function) { let title = mission.title; let subtitle = `${capitalize(MissionDifficulty[mission.difficulty])} - Reward: ${mission.getRewardText()}`; this.addImage(320, yoffset, "map-mission-standard"); if (title) { this.addText(380, yoffset - 15, title, "#d2e1f3", 22, false, false, 620, true); } if (subtitle) { this.addText(380, yoffset + 22, subtitle, "#d2e1f3", 18, false, false, 620, true); } this.addButton(1120, yoffset, button_callback, "map-mission-action", button_frame, button_frame + 1); } } }