module TS.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Display a ship slot, with equipment attached to it */ export class CharacterSlot extends Phaser.Image { sheet: CharacterSheet; constructor(sheet: CharacterSheet, x: number, y: number, slot: SlotType) { super(, x, y, "character-equipment-slot"); this.sheet = sheet; let sloticon = new Phaser.Image(, 150, 150, `character-slot-${SlotType[slot].toLowerCase()}`); sloticon.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.addChild(sloticon); } /** * Snap the equipment icon inside the slot */ snapEquipment(equipment: CharacterEquipment) { equipment.position.set(this.x + this.parent.x + 84, this.y + this.parent.y + 83); } /** * Check if an equipment can be dropped in this slot */ canDropEquipment(equipment: Equipment, x: number, y: number): CharacterEquipmentDrop | null { if (this.getBounds().contains(x, y)) { return { message: "Equip", callback: () => this.sheet.ship.equip(equipment) }; } else { return null; } } } }