module TK.SpaceTac.UI { interface PhaserGraphics { x: number y: number rotation: number }; /** * Interface of an object that may be shown/hidden, with opacity transition. */ interface IAnimationFadeable { alpha: number visible: boolean input?: { enabled: boolean } changeStateFrame?: Function freezeFrames?: boolean } /** * Configuration object for blink animations */ interface AnimationBlinkOptions { alpha_on?: number alpha_off?: number times?: number speed?: number } /** * Manager of all animations. * * This is a wrapper around phaser's tweens. */ export class Animations { private immediate = false constructor(private tweens: Phaser.Tweens.TweenManager) { } /** * Set all future animations to be immediate (and synchronous) * * This is mostly useful in tests */ setImmediate(immediate = true): void { this.immediate = immediate; } /** * Kill previous tweens currently running on an object's properties */ killPrevious(obj: T, properties: Extract[]): void { this.tweens.getTweensOf(obj).forEach(tween => { if ( && any(, data => bool(data.key) && contains(properties, data.key))) { tween.stop(); } }); } /** * Simulate the tween currently applied to an object's property * * This may be heavy work and should only be done in testing code. */ simulate(obj: any, property: string, points = 5): number[] { this.tweens.preUpdate(); let tween = first(this.tweens.getTweensOf(obj), tween => tween.isPlaying()); if (tween) { let tween_obj = tween; tween_obj.update(0, 0); return range(points).map(i => { / (points - 1)); return obj[property]; }); } else { return []; } } /** * Display an object, with opacity transition */ show(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, alpha = 1): void { this.killPrevious(obj, ['alpha']); if (!obj.visible) { obj.alpha = 0; obj.visible = true; } let onComplete: Function | undefined; if (obj.input) { let input = obj.input; onComplete = () => { input.enabled = true obj.freezeFrames = false; }; } if (duration && !this.immediate) { this.tweens.add({ targets: obj, alpha: alpha, duration: duration, onComplete: onComplete }) } else { obj.alpha = alpha; if (onComplete) { onComplete(); } } } /** * Hide an object, with opacity transition */ hide(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, alpha = 0): void { this.killPrevious(obj, ['alpha']); if (obj.changeStateFrame) { obj.changeStateFrame("Out"); obj.freezeFrames = true; } if (obj.input) { obj.input.enabled = false; } let onComplete = () => obj.visible = alpha > 0; if (duration && !this.immediate) { this.tweens.add({ targets: obj, alpha: alpha, duration: duration, onComplete: onComplete }); } else { obj.alpha = alpha; onComplete(); } } /** * Set an object visibility, with opacity transition */ setVisible(obj: IAnimationFadeable, visible: boolean, duration = 1000, alphaon = 1, alphaoff = 0): void { if (visible) {, duration, alphaon); } else { this.hide(obj, duration, alphaoff); } } /** * Get a toggle on visibility */ newVisibilityToggle(obj: IAnimationFadeable, duration = 1000, initial = true): Toggle { let result = new Toggle(() => this.setVisible(obj, true, duration), () => this.setVisible(obj, false, duration)); this.setVisible(obj, initial, 0); return result; } /** * Add an asynchronous animation to an object. */ addAnimation(obj: T, properties: Partial, duration: number, ease = "Linear", delay = 0, loop = 1, yoyo = false): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { this.killPrevious(obj, keys(properties)); this.tweens.add(merge({ targets: obj, ease: ease, duration: duration, delay: delay, loop: loop - 1, onComplete: resolve, yoyo: yoyo }, properties)); // By security, if the tween is destroyed before completion, we resolve the promise using the timer + duration, resolve); }); } /** * Catch the player eye with a blink effect */ async blink(obj: { alpha: number }, config: AnimationBlinkOptions = {}): Promise { let speed = coalesce(config.speed, 1); let alpha_on = coalesce(config.alpha_on, 1); if (!speed) { obj.alpha = alpha_on; } let alpha_off = coalesce(config.alpha_off, 0.3); let times = coalesce(config.times, 3); if (obj.alpha != alpha_on) { await this.addAnimation(obj, { alpha: alpha_on }, 150 / speed); } for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { await this.addAnimation(obj, { alpha: alpha_off }, 150 / speed); await this.addAnimation(obj, { alpha: alpha_on }, 150 / speed); } } /** * Interpolate a rotation value * * This will take into account the 2*pi modulo * * Returns the duration */ rotationTween(obj: Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform, dest: number, speed = 1, easing = "Cubic.easeInOut"): Promise { // Immediately change the object's current rotation to be in range (-pi,pi) let value = UITools.normalizeAngle(obj.rotation); obj.setRotation(value); // Compute destination angle dest = UITools.normalizeAngle(dest); if (value - dest > Math.PI) { dest += 2 * Math.PI; } else if (value - dest < -Math.PI) { dest -= 2 * Math.PI; } let distance = Math.abs(UITools.normalizeAngle(dest - value)) / Math.PI; let duration = distance * 1000 / speed; // Tween return this.addAnimation(obj, { rotation: dest }, duration, easing); } /** * Move an object linearly to another position * * Returns the animation duration. */ moveTo(obj: Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform, x: number, y: number, angle: number, rotated_obj = obj, speed = 1, ease = true): Promise { let duration_rot = this.rotationTween(rotated_obj, angle, 0.5 * speed); let duration_pos = arenaDistance(obj, { x: x, y: y }) * 2; return this.addAnimation(obj, { x: x, y: y }, duration_pos / speed, ease ? "Quad.easeInOut" : "Linear"); } /** * Make an object move toward a location in space, with a ship-like animation. * * Returns the animation duration. */ moveInSpace(obj: Phaser.GameObjects.Components.Transform, x: number, y: number, angle: number, rotated_obj = obj, speed = 1): Promise { this.killPrevious(obj, ["x", "y"]); if (x == obj.x && y == obj.y) { return this.rotationTween(rotated_obj, angle, 0.5 * speed); } else { this.killPrevious(rotated_obj, ["rotation"]); let distance = Target.newFromLocation(obj.x, obj.y).getDistanceTo(Target.newFromLocation(x, y)); let duration = Math.sqrt(distance / 1000) * 3000 / speed; let curve_force = distance * 0.4; let prevx = obj.x; let prevy = obj.y; let xpts = [obj.x, obj.x + Math.cos(rotated_obj.rotation) * curve_force, x - Math.cos(angle) * curve_force, x]; let ypts = [obj.y, obj.y + Math.sin(rotated_obj.rotation) * curve_force, y - Math.sin(angle) * curve_force, y]; let fobj = { t: 0 }; return new Promise(resolve => { this.tweens.add({ targets: [fobj], t: 1, duration: duration, ease: "Sine.easeInOut", onComplete: resolve, onUpdate: () => { obj.setPosition( Phaser.Math.Interpolation.CubicBezier(fobj.t, xpts[0], xpts[1], xpts[2], xpts[3]), Phaser.Math.Interpolation.CubicBezier(fobj.t, ypts[0], ypts[1], ypts[2], ypts[3]), ) if (prevx != obj.x || prevy != obj.y) { rotated_obj.setRotation(Math.atan2(obj.y - prevy, obj.x - prevx)); } prevx = obj.x; prevy = obj.y; } }) }); } } } }