module TS.SpaceTac.UI { class TooltipContainer extends Phaser.Group { view: BaseView background: Phaser.Graphics content: Phaser.Group anchorpoint: [number, number] = [0, 0] constructor(view: BaseView) { super(; this.view = view; this.visible = false; this.background = new Phaser.Graphics(; this.add(this.background); this.content = new Phaser.Group(; this.add(this.content); this.view.tooltip_layer.add(this); } show(x: number, y: number) { this.anchorpoint = [x, y]; this.visible = true; } update() { if (this.visible) { let bounds = this.content.getBounds(); let width = bounds.width + 20; let height = bounds.height + 20; if (this.background.width != width || this.background.height != height) { this.background.clear(); this.background.beginFill(0x202225, 0.9); this.background.drawRect(-10, -10, width, height); this.background.endFill(); } let [x, y] = UITools.positionInside({ x: this.anchorpoint[0], y: this.anchorpoint[1], width: width, height: height }, { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.view.getWidth(), height: this.view.getHeight() }); if (x != this.x || y != this.y) { this.position.set(x, y); } } } hide() { this.content.removeAll(); this.visible = false; } } /** * Functions used to fill a tooltip content */ export class TooltipFiller { private container: TooltipContainer; constructor(container: TooltipContainer) { this.container = container; } /** * Add an image to the content */ addImage(x: number, y: number, key: string, scale = 1) { let image = new Phaser.Image(, x, y, key); image.scale.set(scale); this.container.content.add(image); } /** * Add a text to the content */ addText(x: number, y: number, content: string, color = "#ffffff", size = 16, center = false, bold = false) { let style = { font: `${bold ? "bold " : ""}${size}pt Arial`, fill: color, align: center ? "center" : "left" }; let text = new Phaser.Text(, x, y, content, style); this.container.content.add(text); } } /** * Tooltip system, to display information on hover */ export class Tooltip { protected view: BaseView; protected container: TooltipContainer; constructor(view: BaseView) { this.view = view; this.container = new TooltipContainer(view); } get ui(): MainUI { return this.view.gameui; } /** * Get a tooltip filler */ getFiller(): TooltipFiller { return new TooltipFiller(this.container); } /** * Bind to an UI component * * When the component is hovered, the function is called to allow filling the tooltip container */ bind(obj: Phaser.Button, func: (filler: TooltipFiller) => boolean): void { UITools.setHoverClick(obj, // enter () => { this.hide(); if (func(this.getFiller())) { let bounds = obj.getBounds(); + bounds.width + 4, bounds.y + bounds.height + 4); } }, // leave () => this.hide(), // click () => this.hide() ); obj.onInputDown.add(() => this.hide()); } /** * Bind to an UI component to display a dynamic text */ bindDynamicText(obj: Phaser.Button, text_getter: () => string): void { this.bind(obj, filler => { let content = text_getter(); if (content) { filler.addText(0, 0, content, "#cccccc", 20, false, true); return true; } else { return false; } }); } /** * Bind to an UI component to display a simple text */ bindStaticText(obj: Phaser.Button, text: string): void { this.bindDynamicText(obj, () => text); } /** * Hide the current tooltip */ hide(): void { this.container.hide(); } } }