import { add, classname, crawl, merge, STOP_CRAWLING } from "./Tools"; function isObject(value: any): boolean { return value instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(value); } /** * A typescript object serializer. */ export class Serializer { namespace: { [name: string]: (...args: any) => any }; ignored: string[] = []; constructor(namespace: { [name: string]: (...args: any) => any } = {}) { this.namespace = namespace; } /** * Add a class to the ignore list */ addIgnoredClass(name: string) { this.ignored.push(name); } /** * Construct an object from a constructor name */ constructObject(ctype: string): Object { if (ctype == "Object") { return {}; } else { let cl = this.namespace[ctype]; if (cl) { return Object.create(cl.prototype); } else { console.error("Can't find class", ctype); return {}; } } } /** * Serialize an object to a string */ serialize(obj: any): string { // Collect objects var objects: Object[] = []; var stats: any = {}; crawl(obj, value => { if (isObject(value)) { var vtype = classname(value); if (vtype != "" && this.ignored.indexOf(vtype) < 0) { stats[vtype] = (stats[vtype] || 0) + 1; add(objects, value); return value; } else { return STOP_CRAWLING; } } else { return value; } }); //console.log("Serialize stats", stats); // Serialize objects list, transforming deeper objects to links var fobjects = => { $c: classname(value), $f: merge({}, value) }); return JSON.stringify(fobjects, (key, value) => { if (key != "$f" && isObject(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty("$c") && !value.hasOwnProperty("$i")) { return { $i: objects.indexOf(value) }; } else { return value; } }); } /** * Unserialize a string to an object */ unserialize(data: string): any { // Unserialize objects list var fobjects = JSON.parse(data); // Reconstruct objects var objects = any) => merge(this.constructObject(objdata['$c']), objdata['$f'])); // Reconnect links crawl(objects, value => { if (value instanceof Object && value.hasOwnProperty('$i')) { return objects[value['$i']]; } else { return value; } }, true); // Post unserialize hooks crawl(objects[0], value => { if (value instanceof Object && typeof value.postUnserialize == "function") { value.postUnserialize(); } }); // First object was the root return objects[0]; } }