import { RandomGenerator } from "../../common/RandomGenerator"; import { BaseBattleDiff } from "../diffs/BaseBattleDiff"; import { ShipCooldownDiff } from "../diffs/ShipCooldownDiff"; import { Drone } from "../Drone"; import { Ship } from "../Ship"; import { BaseEffect } from "./BaseEffect"; /** * Cools down equipment of affected ships */ export class CooldownEffect extends BaseEffect { // Number of cooling steps to apply cooling: number // Maximal number of equipment to cool on one ship (will be chosen at random) maxcount: number constructor(cooling = 0, maxcount = 0) { super("cooldown"); this.cooling = cooling; this.maxcount = maxcount; } getOnDiffs(ship: Ship, source: Ship | Drone): BaseBattleDiff[] { let actions = ship.actions.listOverheated(); if (this.maxcount && actions.length > this.maxcount) { let random =; actions = random.sample(actions, this.maxcount); } return => new ShipCooldownDiff(ship, action, this.cooling || ship.actions.getCooldown(action).heat)); } isBeneficial(): boolean { return true; } getDescription(): string { return `${this.cooling ? this.cooling : "full"} cooling (${this.maxcount ? this.maxcount : "all"} equipment${this.maxcount != 1 ? "s" : ""})`; } }