module TK.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Icon to activate a ship ability */ export class ActionIcon { // Link to parents bar: ActionBar view: BattleView // Container container: UIButton // Related ship ship: Ship // Related game action action: BaseAction // Current state fading = false disabled = true selected = false toggled = false targetting = false cooldown = 0 // Images img_targetting!: UIImage img_top: UIImage | null = null img_bottom: UIImage img_power: UIImage img_cooldown_group: UIContainer img_cooldown: UIImage img_action: UIImage // Indicators text_power!: UIText constructor(bar: ActionBar, ship: Ship, action: BaseAction, position: number) { = bar; this.view = bar.battleview; let builder = new UIBuilder(this.view); this.container = builder.button("battle-actionbar-frame-disabled", 0, 0, () => this.processClick(), filler => { ActionTooltip.fill(filler, this.ship, this.action, position); return true; }, undefined, { center: true }); builder =; this.ship = ship; this.action = action; // Action icon this.img_action = builder.image(`action-${action.code}`, 0, 0, true); this.img_action.setScale(0.35); this.img_action.setAlpha(0.2); // Hotkey indicator if (!(action instanceof EndTurnAction)) { this.img_top = builder.image("battle-actionbar-hotkey", 0, -47, true);, builder => { builder.text(`${(position + 1) % 10}`, 0, 0, { size: 12, color: "#d1d1d1", shadow: true, center: true, vcenter: true }); }); } // Bottom indicator this.img_bottom = builder.image("battle-actionbar-bottom-disabled", 0, 40, true);, builder => { this.img_targetting = builder.image("battle-actionbar-bottom-targetting", 0, 12); this.img_targetting.setVisible(false); }); // Left indicator this.selected = false; this.img_power = builder.image("battle-actionbar-consumption-disabled", -46, 0, true); this.img_power.setVisible(false);, builder => { this.text_power = builder.text("", -2, 4, { size: 16, color: "#ffdd4b", shadow: true, center: true, vcenter: true }); }); // Right indicator this.img_cooldown_group = builder.container("cooldown", 46, 0, action instanceof ToggleAction); this.img_cooldown ="battle-actionbar-sticky-untoggled", 46, 0, true); // Initialize this.refresh(); } /** * Destroy the icon */ destroy(): void { this.container.destroy(); } /** * Move to a given layer and position */ moveTo(layer: UIContainer, x = 0, y = 0): void { layer.add(this.container); this.container.setPosition(x, y); } /** * Process a click event on the action icon * * This will enter the action's targetting mode, waiting for a target or confirmation to apply the action */ processClick(): void { if (! { return; } if (this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship)) { return; }"ui-button-click"); if (this.selected) {; return; } // End any previously selected action;; let mode = this.action.getTargettingMode(this.ship); if (mode == ActionTargettingMode.SELF || mode == ActionTargettingMode.SELF_CONFIRM) { // Apply immediately on the ship // TODO Handle confirm this.processSelection(Target.newFromShip(this.ship)); } else { // Switch to targetting mode (will apply action when a target is selected) this.view.enterTargettingMode(this.ship, this.action, mode); } } /** * Called when a target is selected * * This will effectively apply the action */ processSelection(target: Target): void { if (this.view.applyAction(this.action, target)) {; } } /** * Update the display elements * * A currently targetting action may be passed, with power usage, to display potential fading and cooldown. */ refresh(used: BaseAction | null = null, power_consumption = 0): void { let disabled = bool(this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship)); let selected = (used === this.action); let toggled = (this.action instanceof ToggleAction) && this.ship.actions.isToggled(this.action); let fading = bool(this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship, this.ship.getValue("power") - power_consumption)); let cooldown = this.ship.actions.getCooldown(this.action); let heat = cooldown.heat; let targetting = used !== null; if (this.action == used && cooldown.willOverheat()) { fading = true; heat = cooldown.cooling; } // inputs if (disabled != this.disabled) { //this.container.input.useHandCursor = !disabled; } // frame if (disabled != this.disabled || fading != this.fading) { let name = "battle-actionbar-frame-enabled"; if (disabled) { name = "battle-actionbar-frame-disabled"; } else if (fading) { name = "battle-actionbar-frame-fading"; } this.container.setBaseImage(name); } // action icon if (disabled != this.disabled) { this.img_action.alpha = disabled ? 0.2 : 1; } // top if (this.img_top && (targetting != this.targetting || disabled != this.disabled)) { this.view.animations.setVisible(this.img_top, !targetting, 200, disabled ? 0.2 : 1); } // bottom if (disabled != this.disabled || toggled != this.toggled) { if (disabled) { this.view.changeImage(this.img_bottom, "battle-actionbar-bottom-disabled"); } else if (toggled) { this.view.changeImage(this.img_bottom, "battle-actionbar-bottom-toggled"); } else { this.view.changeImage(this.img_bottom, "battle-actionbar-bottom-enabled"); } } if (selected != this.selected) { this.view.animations.setVisible(this.img_targetting, selected, 200); } // left let cost = this.action.getPowerUsage(this.ship, null); this.img_power.setVisible(bool(cost)); this.text_power.setText(`${Math.abs(cost)}\n${cost < 0 ? "+" : "-"}`); this.text_power.setColor((cost > 0) ? "#ffdd4b" : "#dbe748"); this.text_power.setAlpha(disabled ? 0.2 : 1); if (disabled != this.disabled || selected != this.selected || toggled != this.toggled) { if (disabled) { this.view.changeImage(this.img_power, "battle-actionbar-consumption-disabled"); } else if (toggled) { this.view.changeImage(this.img_power, "battle-actionbar-consumption-toggled"); } else if (selected) { this.view.changeImage(this.img_power, "battle-actionbar-consumption-targetting"); } else { this.view.changeImage(this.img_power, "battle-actionbar-consumption-enabled"); } } // right if (toggled != this.toggled || disabled != this.disabled || heat != this.cooldown) { let builder = new UIBuilder(this.view, this.img_cooldown_group); destroyChildren(this.img_cooldown_group, 1); if (this.action instanceof ToggleAction) { if (toggled) { builder.change(this.img_cooldown, "battle-actionbar-sticky-toggled"); } else { builder.change(this.img_cooldown, "battle-actionbar-sticky-untoggled"); } this.img_cooldown.visible = !disabled; } else if (heat) { if (disabled) { builder.change(this.img_cooldown, "battle-actionbar-sticky-disabled"); } else { builder.change(this.img_cooldown, "battle-actionbar-sticky-overheat"); } range(Math.min(heat - 1, 4)).forEach(i => { builder.image("battle-actionbar-cooldown-one", 0, 2 - i * 7); }); builder.image("battle-actionbar-cooldown-front", -4, -20); this.img_cooldown.visible = true; } else { this.img_cooldown.visible = false; } } this.disabled = disabled; this.selected = selected; this.targetting = targetting; this.fading = fading; this.toggled = toggled; this.cooldown = heat; } } }