/// module TK.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Dialog to display battle outcome */ export class OutcomeDialog extends UIDialog { battleview: BattleView player: Player outcome: BattleOutcome stats: BattleStats constructor(parent: BattleView, player: Player, outcome: BattleOutcome, stats: BattleStats) { super(parent); this.battleview = parent; this.player = player; this.outcome = outcome; this.stats = stats; this.refreshContent(); } /** * Shortcut to add a single action button at the bottom of dialog */ addActionButton(x: number, text: string, tooltip: string, action: Function) { let button = this.content.button("common-dialog-textbutton", x, 885, action, tooltip, undefined, { center: true, text: text, text_style: { color: "#d9e0e5" } }); } /** * Refresh the whole dialog */ refreshContent(): void { let parent = this.battleview; let outcome = this.outcome; let victory = outcome.winner && this.player.is(outcome.winner.player); this.content.clear(); this.content.image(victory ? "battle-outcome-title-victory" : "battle-outcome-title-defeat", 747, 180, true); this.content.text("You", 815, 320, { color: "#ffffff", size: 20 }); this.content.text("Enemy", 1015, 320, { color: "#ffffff", size: 20 }); this.stats.getImportant(10).forEach((stat, index) => { this.content.text(stat.name, 530, 364 + 40 * index, { color: "#ffffff", size: 20 }); this.content.text(stat.attacker.toString(), 815, 364 + 40 * index, { color: "#8ba883", size: 20, bold: true }); this.content.text(stat.defender.toString(), 1015, 364 + 40 * index, { color: "#cd6767", size: 20, bold: true }); }); if (!this.battleview.session.hasUniverse()) { this.addActionButton(747, "Main menu", "Exit the battle and go back to the main menu", () => { parent.exitBattle(); }); } else if (victory) { this.addActionButton(747, "Back to map", "Exit the battle and go back to the map", () => { parent.exitBattle(); }); } else { this.addActionButton(535, "Revert battle", "Go back to where the fleet was before the battle happened", () => { parent.revertBattle(); }); this.addActionButton(957, "Main menu", "Quit the game, and go back to main menu", () => { parent.gameui.quitGame(); }); } } } }