module TK.SpaceTac { /** * A turn-based battle between fleets */ export class Battle { // Battle outcome, if the battle has ended outcome: BattleOutcome | null = null // Battle cheats cheats: BattleCheats // Statistics stats: BattleStats // Log of all battle events log: BattleLog // List of fleets engaged in battle fleets: Fleet[] // Container of all engaged ships ships: RObjectContainer // List of playing ships, sorted by their initiative throw play_order: Ship[] play_index = -1 // Current battle "cycle" (one cycle is one turn done for all ships in the play order) cycle = 0 // List of deployed drones drones = new RObjectContainer() // Size of the battle area width: number height: number border = 50 ship_separation = 100 // Timer to use for scheduled things timer = // Indicator that an AI is playing ai_playing = false constructor(fleet1 = new Fleet(new Player(undefined, "Attacker")), fleet2 = new Fleet(new Player(undefined, "Defender")), width = 1808, height = 948) { this.fleets = [fleet1, fleet2]; this.ships = new RObjectContainer(fleet1.ships.concat(fleet2.ships)); this.play_order = []; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.log = new BattleLog(); this.stats = new BattleStats(); this.cheats = new BattleCheats(this, fleet1.player); this.fleets.forEach((fleet: Fleet) => { fleet.setBattle(this); }); } postUnserialize() { this.ai_playing = false; } /** * Property is true if the battle has ended */ get ended(): boolean { return bool(this.outcome); } /** * Apply a list of diffs to the game state, and add them to the log. * * This should be the main way to modify the game state. */ applyDiffs(diffs: BaseBattleDiff[]): void { let client = new BattleLogClient(this, this.log); diffs.forEach(diff => client.add(diff)); } /** * Create a quick random battle, for testing purposes, or quick skirmish */ static newQuickRandom(start = true, level = 1, shipcount = 5): Battle { let player1 = Player.newQuickRandom("Player", level, shipcount, true); let player2 = Player.newQuickRandom("Enemy", level, shipcount, true); let result = new Battle(player1.fleet, player2.fleet); if (start) { result.start(); } return result; } /** * Get the currently playing ship */ get playing_ship(): Ship | null { return this.play_order[this.play_index] || null; } /** * Get a ship by its ID. */ getShip(id: RObjectId | null): Ship | null { if (id === null) { return null; } else { return this.ships.get(id); } } /** * Return an iterator over all ships engaged in the battle */ iships(alive_only = false): Iterator { let result = ichainit(imap(iarray(this.fleets), fleet => iarray(fleet.ships))); return alive_only ? ifilter(result, ship => ship.alive) : result; } /** * Return an iterator over ships allies of (or owned by) a player */ iallies(player: Player, alive_only = false): Iterator { return ifilter(this.iships(alive_only), ship => ship.getPlayer() === player); } /** * Return an iterator over ships enemy of a player */ ienemies(player: Player, alive_only = false): Iterator { return ifilter(this.iships(alive_only), ship => ship.getPlayer() !== player); } // Check if a player is able to play // This can be used by the UI to determine if player interaction is allowed canPlay(player: Player): boolean { if (this.ended) { return false; } else if (this.playing_ship && this.playing_ship.getPlayer() == player) { return this.playing_ship.isAbleToPlay(false); } else { return false; } } // Create play order, performing an initiative throw throwInitiative(gen: RandomGenerator = new RandomGenerator()): void { var play_order: Ship[] = []; // Throw each ship's initiative this.fleets.forEach(function (fleet: Fleet) { fleet.ships.forEach(function (ship: Ship) { ship.throwInitiative(gen); play_order.push(ship); }); }); // Sort by throw result play_order.sort(function (ship1: Ship, ship2: Ship) { return (ship2.play_priority - ship1.play_priority); }); this.play_order = play_order; this.play_index = -1; } /** * Get the number of turns before a specific ship plays (currently playing ship will return 0). * * Returns -1 if the ship is not in the play list. */ getPlayOrder(ship: Ship): number { let index = this.play_order.indexOf(ship); if (index < 0) { return -1; } else { let result = index - this.play_index; return (result < 0) ? (result + this.play_order.length) : result; } } /** * Add a ship in the play order list */ removeFromPlayOrder(idx: number): void { this.play_order.splice(idx, 1); if (idx <= this.play_index) { this.play_index -= 1; } } /** * Remove a ship from the play order list */ insertInPlayOrder(idx: number, ship: Ship): void { this.play_order.splice(idx, 0, ship); if (idx <= this.play_index) { this.play_index += 1; } } /** * Set the currently playing ship */ setPlayingShip(ship: Ship): void { let current = this.playing_ship; if (current) { current.playing = false; } this.play_index = this.play_order.indexOf(ship); this.ai_playing = false; current = this.playing_ship; if (current) { current.playing = true; } } // Defines the initial ship positions of all engaged fleets placeShips(vertical = true): void { if (vertical) { this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[0], this.width * 0.25, this.height * 0.5, 0, this.height); this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[1], this.width * 0.75, this.height * 0.5, Math.PI, this.height); } else { this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[0], this.width * 0.5, this.height * 0.90, -Math.PI / 2, this.width); this.placeFleetShips(this.fleets[1], this.width * 0.5, this.height * 0.10, Math.PI / 2, this.width); } } // Collect all ships within a given radius of a target collectShipsInCircle(center: Target, radius: number, alive_only = false): Ship[] { return imaterialize(ifilter(this.iships(), ship => (ship.alive || !alive_only) && Target.newFromShip(ship).getDistanceTo(center) <= radius)); } /** * Ends the battle and sets the outcome */ endBattle(winner: Fleet | null) { this.applyDiffs([new EndBattleDiff(winner, this.cycle)]); } /** * Get the next playing ship */ getNextShip(): Ship { return this.play_order[(this.play_index + 1) % this.play_order.length]; } /** * Make an AI play the current ship */ playAI(ai: AbstractAI | null = null, debug = false): boolean { if (this.playing_ship && !this.ai_playing) { this.ai_playing = true; if (!ai) { // TODO Use an AI adapted to the fleet ai = new TacticalAI(this.playing_ship, this.timer); }; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Start the battle * * This will call all necessary initialization steps (initiative, placement...) * * This should not put any diff in the log */ start(): void { this.outcome = null; this.cycle = 1; this.placeShips(); this.stats.onBattleStart(this.fleets[0], this.fleets[1]); this.throwInitiative(); iforeach(this.iships(), ship => ship.restoreInitialState()); this.setPlayingShip(this.play_order[0]); } /** * Force current ship's turn to end, then advance to the next one */ advanceToNextShip(): void { if (this.playing_ship) { this.applyOneAction(EndTurnAction.SINGLETON); } else if (this.play_order.length) { this.setPlayingShip(this.play_order[0]); } } /** * Defines the initial ship positions for one fleet * * *x* and *y* are the center of the fleet formation * *facing_angle* is the forward angle in radians * *width* is the formation width */ private placeFleetShips(fleet: Fleet, x: number, y: number, facing_angle: number, width: number): void { var side_angle = facing_angle + Math.PI * 0.5; var spacing = width * 0.2; var total_length = spacing * (fleet.ships.length - 1); var dx = Math.cos(side_angle); var dy = Math.sin(side_angle); x -= dx * total_length * 0.5; y -= dy * total_length * 0.5; for (var i = 0; i < fleet.ships.length; i++) { fleet.ships[i].setArenaPosition(x + i * dx * spacing, y + i * dy * spacing); fleet.ships[i].setArenaFacingAngle(facing_angle); } } /** * Add a drone to the battle */ addDrone(drone: Drone) { this.drones.add(drone); } /** * Remove a drone from the battle */ removeDrone(drone: Drone) { this.drones.remove(drone); } /** * Get the list of area effects at a given location */ iAreaEffects(x: number, y: number): Iterator { let drones_in_range = ifilter(this.drones.iterator(), drone => drone.isInRange(x, y)); return ichain( ichainit(imap(drones_in_range, drone => iarray(drone.effects))), ichainit(imap(this.iships(), ship => ship.iAreaEffects(x, y))) ); } /** * Perform all battle checks to ensure the state is consistent */ performChecks(): void { let checks = new BattleChecks(this); checks.apply(); } /** * Apply one action to the battle state * * At the end of the action, some checks will be applied to ensure the battle state is consistent */ applyOneAction(action: BaseAction, target?: Target): boolean { let ship = this.playing_ship; if (ship) { if (action.apply(this, ship, target)) { this.performChecks(); return true; } else { return false; } } else { console.error("Cannot apply action - ship not playing", action, this); return false; } } /** * Revert the last applied action * * This will remove diffs from the log, so pay attention to other log clients! */ revertOneAction(): void { let client = new BattleLogClient(this, this.log); while (!client.atStart() && !(client.getCurrent() instanceof ShipActionUsedDiff)) { client.backward(); } if (!client.atStart()) { client.backward(); } client.truncate(); } } }