module TK.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Particle shapes */ export enum ParticleShape { ROUND = 0, DISK_HALO = 1, TRAIL = 2, FLARE = 3 } /** * Particle colors */ export enum ParticleColor { WHITE = 0, BLACK = 1, GREY = 2, RED = 3, BLUE = 4, YELLOW = 5, GREEN = 6, CYAN = 7, MAGENTA = 8, BROWN = 9, VIOLET = 10, MARINE = 11, ORANGE = 12, YELLOWISH = 13, GREENISH = 14, BLUEISH = 15, } /** * Config for a single sub-particle */ export class ParticleConfig { shape: ParticleShape color: ParticleColor scale: number alpha: number angle: number offsetx: number offsety: number constructor(shape = ParticleShape.ROUND, color = ParticleColor.WHITE, scale = 1, alpha = 1, angle = 0, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0) { this.shape = shape; this.color = color; this.scale = scale; this.alpha = alpha; this.angle = angle; this.offsetx = offsetx; this.offsety = offsety; } /** * Get a particle image for this config */ getImage(game: Phaser.Game, scaling = 1, angle = 0): Phaser.Image { let frame = this.shape * 16 + this.color; let result = game.add.image(0, 0, "common-particles", frame); = frame; = "common-particles"; result.anchor.set(0.5); result.angle = angle + this.angle; result.alpha = this.alpha; result.scale.set(this.scale * scaling); result.position.set(this.offsetx * scaling, this.offsety * scaling); return result; } } /** * Builder of particles, composed of one or several sub particles */ export class ParticleBuilder { view: BaseView constructor(view: BaseView) { this.view = view; } /** * Build a composed particle */ build(configs: ParticleConfig[]): Phaser.Image { if (configs.length == 0) { return, 0, "common-transparent"); } else { let base = configs[0]; let result = base.getImage(, 1); configs.slice(1).forEach(config => { let sub = config.getImage(, 1 / base.scale, -base.angle); result.addChild(sub); }); return result; } } } }