module TK.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Processor of diffs coming from the battle log * * This will bind to the actual battle log, update the "displayed" battle state accordingly, and refresh the view. */ export class LogProcessor { // Link to the battle view private view: BattleView // Log client (to receive actual battle diffs) private log: BattleLogClient // Forward diffs to other subscribers private forwarding: ((diff: BaseBattleDiff) => number)[] = [] // Debug indicators private debug = false private ai_disabled = false // Time at which the last action was applied private last_action: number constructor(view: BattleView) { this.view = view; this.log = new BattleLogClient(view.battle, view.actual_battle.log); view.inputs.bindCheat("PageUp", "Step backward", () => { this.log.backward(); }); view.inputs.bindCheat("PageDown", "Step forward", () => { this.log.forward(); }); view.inputs.bindCheat("Home", "Jump to beginning", () => { this.log.jumpToStart(); }); view.inputs.bindCheat("End", "Jump to end", () => { this.log.jumpToEnd(); }); } /** * Start log processing */ start() { if (!this.view.gameui.headless) { diff => { while ( { await this.view.timer.sleep(500); } await this.processBattleDiff(diff); this.transferControl(); }); this.transferControl(); } } /** * Process all pending diffs, synchronously */ processPending() { if (this.log.isPlaying()) { throw new Error("Cannot process diffs synchronously while playing the log"); } else { let diff: Diff | null; while (diff = this.log.forward()) { this.processBattleDiff(diff, false); } this.transferControl(); } } /** * Destroy the processor * * This should be done to ensure it will stop processing and free resources */ destroy() { if (this.log.isPlaying()) { this.log.stop(true); } } /** * Check if we need a player or AI to interact at this point */ getPlayerNeeded(): Player | null { if (this.log.isPlaying() && this.log.atEnd()) { let playing_ship = this.view.actual_battle.playing_ship; return playing_ship ? playing_ship.getPlayer() : null; } else { return null; } } /** * Register a sub-subscriber. * * The difference with registering directly to the BattleLog is that diffs may add delay * for animations. * * The callback may return the duration it needs to display the change. */ register(callback: (diff: BaseBattleDiff) => number) { this.forwarding.push(callback); } /** * Register a sub-subscriber, to receive diffs for a specific ship */ registerForShip(ship: Ship, callback: (diff: BaseBattleShipDiff) => number) { this.register(event => { if (event instanceof BaseBattleShipDiff && event.ship_id === { return callback(event); } else { return 0; } }); } /** * Register to playing ship changes */ watchForShipChange(callback: (ship: Ship) => number, initial = true) { this.register(diff => { if (diff instanceof ShipChangeDiff) { let ship = this.view.battle.playing_ship; if (ship) { return callback(ship); } } return 0; }); if (initial) { let ship = this.view.battle.playing_ship; if (ship) { callback(ship); } } } /** * Process a single battle diff */ async processBattleDiff(diff: BaseBattleDiff, timed = true): Promise { if (this.debug) { console.log("Battle diff", diff); } let durations = => subscriber(diff)); let t = (new Date()).getTime() if (diff instanceof ShipActionUsedDiff) { let ship = this.view.actual_battle.getShip(diff.ship_id); if (ship) { if (!ship.getPlayer().is(this.view.player)) { // AI is playing, do not make it play too fast let since_last = t - this.last_action; if (since_last < 2000) { durations.push(2000 - since_last); } } } this.last_action = t; } else if (diff instanceof ProjectileFiredDiff) { let ship = this.view.battle.getShip(diff.ship_id); if (ship) { let equipment = ship.getEquipment(; if (equipment && equipment.slot_type == SlotType.Weapon) { let effect = new WeaponEffect(this.view.arena, ship,, equipment); durations.push(effect.start()); } } } else if (diff instanceof ShipChangeDiff) { durations.push(this.processShipChangeEvent(diff)); } else if (diff instanceof ShipDeathDiff) { durations.push(this.processDeathEvent(diff)); } else if (diff instanceof ShipDamageDiff) { durations.push(this.processDamageEvent(diff)); } else if (diff instanceof EndBattleDiff) { durations.push(this.processEndBattleEvent(diff)); } else if (diff instanceof DroneDeployedDiff) { durations.push(this.processDroneDeployedEvent(diff)); } else if (diff instanceof DroneRecalledDiff) { durations.push(this.processDroneRecalledEvent(diff)); } let delay = max([0].concat(durations)); if (delay && timed) { await this.view.timer.sleep(delay); } if (this.log.isPlaying()) { let reaction = this.view.session.reactions.check(this.view.player, this.view.battle, this.view.battle.playing_ship, diff); if (reaction) { await this.processReaction(reaction); } } } /** * Transfer control to the needed player (or not) */ private transferControl() { let player = this.getPlayerNeeded(); if (player) { if ( { this.view.setInteractionEnabled(true); } else if (!this.ai_disabled) { this.view.playAI(); } else { this.view.applyAction(EndTurnAction.SINGLETON); } } else { this.view.setInteractionEnabled(false); } } /** * Process a personality reaction */ private async processReaction(reaction: PersonalityReaction): Promise { if (reaction instanceof PersonalityReactionConversation) { let conversation = UIConversation.newFromPieces(this.view, reaction.messages); await conversation.waitEnd(); } else { console.warn("[LogProcessor] Unknown personality reaction type", reaction); } } // Playing ship changed private processShipChangeEvent(event: ShipChangeDiff): number { this.view.ship_list.refresh(); if (event.ship_id != event.new_ship) {"battle-ship-change"); } return 0; } // Damage to ship private processDamageEvent(event: ShipDamageDiff): number { var item = this.view.ship_list.findItem(event.ship_id); if (item) { item.setDamageHit(); } return 0; } // A ship died private processDeathEvent(event: ShipDeathDiff): number { let ship = this.view.battle.getShip(event.ship_id); if (ship) { if (this.view.ship_hovered === ship) { this.view.setShipHovered(null); } this.view.arena.markAsDead(ship); this.view.ship_list.refresh(); return 3000; } else { return 0; } } // Battle ended (victory or defeat) private processEndBattleEvent(event: EndBattleDiff): number { this.view.endBattle(); return 0; } // New drone deployed private processDroneDeployedEvent(event: DroneDeployedDiff): number { let duration = this.view.arena.addDrone(event.drone); if (duration) {"battle-drone-deploy"); } return duration; } // Drone destroyed private processDroneRecalledEvent(event: DroneRecalledDiff): number { let duration = this.view.arena.removeDrone(event.drone); if (duration) {"battle-drone-destroy"); } return duration; } // Drone applied /*private processDroneAppliedEvent(event: DroneAppliedDiff): number { let drone = this.view.arena.findDrone(event.drone); if (drone) { let duration = drone.setApplied(); if (duration) {"battle-drone-activate"); } return duration; } else { return 0; } }*/ } }