module TS.SpaceTac.UI { // Bar with all playing ships, by play order export class ShipList extends Phaser.Image { // Link to the parent battleview battleview: BattleView; // List of ship items ships_container: Phaser.Group; ships: ShipListItem[]; // Playing ship playing: ShipListItem | null; // Hovered ship hovered: ShipListItem | null; // Info button info_button: Phaser.Button; // Create an empty action bar constructor(battleview: BattleView) { super(, 0, 133, "battle-shiplist-background"); this.battleview = battleview; this.ships = []; this.playing = null; this.hovered = null; this.info_button = new Phaser.Button(, 0, 0, "battle-shiplist-info-button"); this.info_button.position.set(0, this.height - this.info_button.height); UITools.setHoverClick(this.info_button, () => this.battleview.arena.setHUDMode(true), () => this.battleview.arena.setHUDMode(false), () => null); this.addChild(this.info_button); battleview.layer_borders.add(this); if (battleview.battle) { this.setShipsFromBattle(battleview.battle); } } // Clear the action icons clearAll(): void { this.ships.forEach((ship: ShipListItem) => { ship.destroy(); }); this.ships = []; } // Set the ship list from a battle setShipsFromBattle(battle: Battle): void { this.clearAll(); battle.play_order.forEach((ship: Ship) => { this.addShip(ship); }, this); this.updateItemsLocation(); } // Add a ship icon addShip(ship: Ship): ShipListItem { var owned = ship.getPlayer() === this.battleview.player; var result = new ShipListItem(this, -200, 0, ship, owned); this.ships.push(result); this.addChild(result); return result; } // Find an item for a ship // Returns null if not found findItem(ship: Ship): ShipListItem | null { var found: ShipListItem | null = null; this.ships.forEach((item: ShipListItem) => { if (item.ship === ship) { found = item; } }); return found; } // Find the play position in play_order for a given ship (0 is currently playing) findPlayPosition(ship: Ship): number { var battle = this.battleview.battle; var idx = battle.play_order.indexOf(ship); var diff = idx - (battle.playing_ship_index || 0); if (diff < 0) { diff += battle.play_order.length; } return diff; } // Update the locations of all items updateItemsLocation(animate: boolean = true): void { this.ships.forEach((item: ShipListItem) => { var position = this.findPlayPosition(item.ship); if (position === 0) { item.moveTo(18, 15 - this.y, animate); } else { item.moveTo(0, 33 + position * 99 - this.y, animate); } this.setChildIndex(item, position); }); } // Remove a ship from the list markAsDead(ship: Ship): void { var item = this.findItem(ship); if (item) { item.alpha = 0.5; } } // Set the currently playing ship setPlaying(ship: Ship | null): void { if (ship) { this.playing = this.findItem(ship); } else { this.playing = null; } this.updateItemsLocation(); } // Set the currently hovered ship setHovered(ship: Ship | null): void { if (this.hovered) { this.hovered.setHovered(false); this.hovered = null; } if (ship) { this.hovered = this.findItem(ship); if (this.hovered) { this.hovered.setHovered(true); } } } } }