module TK.SpaceTac.UI { export enum CharacterSheetMode { CREATION, EDITION, DISPLAY } /** * Character sheet, displaying ship characteristics */ export class CharacterSheet { // Global sheet mode mode: CharacterSheetMode // Parent view view: BaseView // UI components builder container: UIContainer builder: UIBuilder // Close/validate button close_button: UIButton // X positions xshown = 0 xhidden = -2000 // Groups group_level: UIContainer group_portraits: UIContainer group_attributes: UIContainer group_actions: UIContainer group_upgrades: UIContainer // Currently displayed fleet fleet?: Fleet // Currently displayed ship ship?: Ship // Variable data personality?: CharacterPersonality image_portrait: UIImage text_model: UIText text_description: UIText text_name?: UIText text_level: UIText text_upgrade_points: UIText valuebar_experience: ValueBar constructor(view: BaseView, mode: CharacterSheetMode, onclose?: Function) { this.view = view; this.mode = mode; let builder = new UIBuilder(view); this.container = builder.container("character-sheet"); builder =; let bg = builder.image("character-sheet"); bg.setInteractive(); this.builder = builder.styled({ color: "#dce9f9", size: 16, shadow: true }); if (!onclose) { onclose = () => this.hide(); } this.xhidden = -this.view.getWidth(); this.container.x = this.xhidden; this.image_portrait = this.builder.image("translucent", 435, 271, true); this.builder.image("character-entry", 24, 740); this.group_portraits = this.builder.container("portraits", 90, 755); let model_bg = this.builder.image("character-ship-model", 434, 500, true); this.text_model ="", 0, 0, { size: 28 }); let description_bg = this.builder.image("character-ship-description", 434, 654, true); this.text_description ="", 0, 0, { color: "#a0afc3", width: 510 }); this.group_attributes = this.builder.container("attributes", 28, 28); this.group_actions = this.builder.container("actions", 698, 28); this.group_level = this.builder.container("level"); let points_bg ="character-level-upgrades", 582, 986);, builder => { builder.text("Upgrade points", 46, 10, { center: false, vcenter: false }); builder.image("character-upgrade-point", 147, 59, true); }); this.text_upgrade_points ="", 106, 60, { size: 28 }); let level_bg ="character-level-display", 434, 1032, true); this.text_level ="", 0, 4, { size: 28 }); this.valuebar_experience ="character-level-experience", -level_bg.width * 0.5, -level_bg.height * 0.5); this.group_upgrades = this.builder.container("upgrades"); if (this.mode == CharacterSheetMode.CREATION) {"character-section-title", 180, 30, false)).text("Ship", 80, 45, { color: "#dce9f9", size: 32 }); this.personality = new CharacterPersonality(this.builder, 950, 30); this.close_button = this.builder.button("character-validate-creation", 140, 930, onclose, "Validate the team, and start the campaign", undefined, { hover_bottom: true, text: "Validate team", text_x: 295, text_y: 57, text_style: { size: 32, color: "#fff3df" } } );"character-creation-help", 970, 680), builder => { builder.text("Compose your initial team by choosing a model for each ship, and customize the name and personality of the Artificial Intelligence pilot", 405, 150, { color: "#a3bbd9", size: 22, width: 500 }); }); this.builder.button("character-model-prev", 216, 500, () => this.changeModel(-1), "Select previous model", undefined, { center: true }); this.builder.button("character-model-next", 654, 500, () => this.changeModel(1), "Select next model", undefined, { center: true }); this.group_level.visible = false; this.group_upgrades.visible = false; } else { this.text_name ="character-name-display", 434, 940, true)).text("", 0, 0, { size: 28 }); this.close_button = this.builder.button("character-close-button", 1837, 0, onclose, "Close the character sheet"); } this.refreshUpgrades(); this.refreshAttributes(); this.refreshActions(); } /** * Move the sheet to a specific layer */ moveToLayer(layer: UIContainer): void { layer.add(this.container); } /** * Check if the sheet should be interactive */ isInteractive(): boolean { return this.ship ? (this.mode != CharacterSheetMode.DISPLAY && !this.ship.critical) : false; } /** * Change the ship model */ changeModel(offset: number): void { if (this.mode == CharacterSheetMode.CREATION && this.ship) { let models = ShipModel.getDefaultCollection(); let idx = => model.code).indexOf(this.ship.model.code) + offset; if (idx < 0) { idx = models.length - 1; } else if (idx >= models.length) { idx = 0; } this.ship.setModel(models[idx]); this.refresh(); } } /** * Refresh the ship information display */ private refreshShipInfo(): void { if (this.ship) { let ship = this.ship; this.builder.change(this.image_portrait, `ship-${ship.model.code}-portrait`); if (this.text_name) { this.text_name.setText( || ""); } if (this.personality) { this.personality.displayShip(ship); } this.text_model.setText(; this.text_level.setText(`Level ${ship.level.get()}`); this.text_description.setText(ship.model.getDescription()); this.text_upgrade_points.setText(`${ship.getAvailableUpgradePoints()}`); this.valuebar_experience.setValue(ship.level.getExperience(), ship.level.getNextGoal()); } } /** * Refresh the upgrades display */ private refreshUpgrades(): void { let builder =; builder.clear(); if (!this.ship || this.mode == CharacterSheetMode.CREATION) { return; } let ship = this.ship; let initial = builder.image("character-initial", 970, 30); // Base equipment (level 1) builder.styled({ center: false, vcenter: false }).in(initial, builder => { builder.text("Base equipment", 32, 8, { color: "#e2e9d1" });"attributes"), builder => { let effects = cfilter(ship.model.getEffects(1, []), AttributeEffect); effects.forEach(effect => { let button = builder.button(`attribute-${effect.attrcode}`, 0, 8, undefined, `${capitalize(SHIP_VALUES_NAMES[effect.attrcode])} - ${SHIP_VALUES_DESCRIPTIONS[effect.attrcode]}`);, builder => { builder.text(`${effect.value}`, 56, 8, { size: 22 }); }); }); builder.distribute("x", 236, 870); });"actions"), builder => { let actions = ship.model.getActions(1, []); actions.forEach(action => { let button = builder.button("translucent", 0, 66, undefined, action.getEffectsDescription());, builder => { let icon = builder.image(`action-${action.code}`); icon.setScale(0.1875); if (actions.length < 5) { builder.text(`${}`, 56, 12, { size: 16 }); } }); }); builder.distribute("x", 28, 888); }); }); // Level number range(10).forEach(i => { builder.text(`${i + 1}`, 920, i == 0 ? 92 : (110 + i * 100), { center: true, vcenter: true, size: 28, color: ship.level.get() >= (i + 1) ? "#dce9f9" : "#293038" }); }); // Level upgrades range(9).forEach(i => { builder.image("character-level-separator", 844, 154 + i * 100); let level = i + 2; let upgrades = ship.model.getLevelUpgrades(level); upgrades.forEach((upgrade, j) => { let onchange = (selected: boolean) => { this.refreshShipInfo(); // TODO Only upgrade points this.refreshActions(); this.refreshAttributes(); }; new CharacterUpgrade(ship, upgrade, level).draw(builder, 970 + j * 315, 170 + i * 100, this.isInteractive() ? onchange : undefined); }); }); } /** * Refresh the attributes display */ private refreshAttributes(): void { let builder =; builder.clear(); builder.image("character-ship-column-left", 0, 0); builder.text("Attributes", 74, 20, { color: "#a3bbd9" }); if (this.ship) { let ship = this.ship;"items"), builder => { keys(SHIP_ATTRIBUTES).forEach(attribute => { let button = builder.button(`attribute-${attribute}`, 24, 0, undefined, ship.getAttributeDescription(attribute));`${ship.getAttribute(attribute)}`, 78, 27, { size: 22 }); }); builder.distribute("y", 40, 688); }); } } /** * Refresh the actions display */ private refreshActions(): void { let builder =; builder.clear(); builder.image("character-ship-column-right", 0, 0); builder.text("Actions", 74, 20, { color: "#a3bbd9" }); if (this.ship) { let ship = this.ship;"items"), builder => { let actions = ship.actions.listAll().filter(action => !(action instanceof EndTurnAction)); actions.forEach(action => { let button = builder.button(`action-${action.code}`, 24, 0, undefined, action.getEffectsDescription()); button.setScale(0.375); }); builder.distribute("y", 40, 688); }); } } /** * Refresh the fleet display */ private refreshFleet(): void { destroyChildren(this.group_portraits); if (this.fleet) { let builder =; this.fleet.ships.forEach((ship, idx) => { let button: UIButton; button = new CharacterPortrait(ship).draw(builder, 64 + idx * 140, 64, () => { if (button) { button.toggle(true, UIButtonUnicity.EXCLUSIVE_MIN); this.ship = ship; this.refreshShipInfo(); this.refreshActions(); this.refreshAttributes(); this.refreshUpgrades(); } }); if (ship == this.ship) { button.toggle(true); } }); } } /** * Check if the sheet is shown */ isOpened(): boolean { return this.container.x != this.xhidden; } /** * Show the sheet for a given ship */ show(ship: Ship, animate = true, sound = true) { this.ship = ship; this.fleet = ship.fleet; this.refreshShipInfo(); this.refreshUpgrades(); this.refreshAttributes(); this.refreshActions(); if (ship.fleet !== this.fleet || ship.fleet.ships.length != this.group_portraits.length) { this.refreshFleet(); } if (sound) {"ui-dialog-open"); } if (animate) { this.view.tweens.add({ targets: this.container, x: this.xshown, duration: 400, easing: 'Circ.easeInOut' }); } else { this.container.x = this.xshown; } } /** * Hide the sheet */ hide(animate = true) {"ui-dialog-close"); if (animate) { this.view.tweens.add({ targets: this.container, x: this.xhidden, duration: 400, ease: 'Circ.easeInOut' }); } else { this.container.x = this.xhidden; } } /** * Refresh the sheet display */ refresh() { if (this.ship) { this.refreshShipInfo(); this.refreshUpgrades(); this.refreshAttributes(); this.refreshActions(); this.refreshFleet(); } } } }