module TK.SpaceTac.UI { export interface UIGraphicsCircleOptions { center?: { x: number, y: number } radius: number fill?: { color: number, alpha?: number } border?: { color: number, width?: number, alpha?: number } } export interface UIGraphicsCirclePortionOptions extends UIGraphicsCircleOptions { angle: { start: number, span: number } } /** * UI component that supports drawing simple shapes (circles, lines...) */ export class UIGraphics extends Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics { constructor(view: BaseView, name: string, visible = true, x = 0, y = 0) { super(view, {}); this.setName(name); this.setVisible(visible); this.setPosition(x, y); } /** * Add a rectangle */ addRectangle(shape: IBounded, color: number, border_width = 0, border_color?: number, alpha = 1): void { let rect = new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(shape.x, shape.y, shape.width, shape.height); this.fillStyle(color, alpha); this.fillRectShape(rect); if (border_width && border_color) { this.lineStyle(border_width, border_color, alpha); this.strokeRectShape(rect); } } /** * Add a portion of circle */ addCircleArc(options: UIGraphicsCirclePortionOptions): void { let x = ? : 0; let y = ? : 0; if (options.fill) { this.fillStyle(options.fill.color, options.fill.alpha); this.slice(x, y, options.radius, options.angle.start, options.angle.start + options.angle.span, false); this.fillPath(); } if (options.border) { this.lineStyle(options.border.width || 1, options.border.color, options.border.alpha); this.slice(x, y, options.radius, options.angle.start, options.angle.start + options.angle.span, false); this.strokePath(); } } /** * Add a full circle */ addCircle(options: UIGraphicsCircleOptions): void { let x = ? : 0; let y = ? : 0; if (options.fill) { this.fillStyle(options.fill.color, options.fill.alpha); this.fillCircle(x, y, options.radius); } if (options.border) { this.lineStyle(options.border.width || 1, options.border.color, options.border.alpha); this.strokeCircle(x, y, options.radius); } } } }