/// module TK.SpaceTac { /** * A ship activated or deactivated a toggle action */ export class ShipActionToggleDiff extends BaseBattleShipDiff { // Pointer to the action action: RObjectId // true for activation, false for deactivation activated: boolean constructor(ship: Ship | RObjectId, action: BaseAction | RObjectId, activated: boolean) { super(ship); this.action = (action instanceof BaseAction) ? action.id : action; this.activated = activated; } applyOnShip(ship: Ship, battle: Battle): void { let action = ship.getAction(this.action); if (action && action instanceof ToggleAction) { if (action.activated == this.activated) { console.warn("Diff not applied - action already in good state", this, action); } else { action.activated = this.activated; } } else { console.error("Diff not applied - action not found on ship", this, ship); } } getReverse(): BaseBattleDiff { return new ShipActionToggleDiff(this.ship_id, this.action, !this.activated); } } }