/// module TK.SpaceTac { export class ModelFalcon extends ShipModel { constructor() { super("falcon", "Falcon"); } getDescription(): string { return "A ship with an efficient targetting system, allowing to hit multiple foes."; } getLevelUpgrades(level: number): ShipUpgrade[] { if (level == 1) { let engine = new MoveAction("Engine", { distance_per_power: 130, }); let missile = new TriggerAction("SubMunition Missile", { effects: [new DamageEffect(15)], power: 2, range: 250, blast: 150, }, "submunitionmissile"); missile.configureCooldown(2, 2); let gatling = new TriggerAction("Gatling Gun", { effects: [new DamageEffect(15)], power: 1, range: 350, }, "gatlinggun"); gatling.configureCooldown(3, 2); return [ { code: "Falcon Base", effects: [ new AttributeEffect("precision", 8), new AttributeEffect("maneuvrability", 4), new AttributeEffect("hull_capacity", 50), new AttributeEffect("shield_capacity", 50), new AttributeEffect("power_capacity", 9), ] }, { code: "Main Engine", actions: [engine] }, { code: "Submunition Missile", actions: [missile] }, { code: "Gatling Gun", actions: [gatling] }, ]; } else { return this.getStandardUpgrades(level); } } } }