/// declare var global: any; declare var module: any; if (typeof window != "undefined") { // If jasmine is not present, ignore describe (window).describe = (window).describe || function () { }; } else { if (typeof global != "undefined") { // In node, does not extend Phaser classes var handler = { get(target: any, name: any): any { return new Proxy(function () { }, handler); } } global.Phaser = new Proxy(function () { }, handler); } if (typeof module != "undefined") { module.exports = { TK }; } } module TK.SpaceTac { /** * Main class to bootstrap the whole game */ export class MainUI extends Phaser.Game { // Current game session session: GameSession session_token: string | null // Game options options!: UI.GameOptions // Storage used storage: Storage // Debug mode debug = false // Current scaling scaling = 1 constructor(headless: boolean = false) { super({ width: 1920, height: 1080, type: headless ? Phaser.HEADLESS : Phaser.AUTO, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: '-space-tac', disableContextMenu: true, "render.autoResize": true, }); this.storage = localStorage; this.session = new GameSession(); this.session_token = null; if (!headless) { this.events.on("blur", () => { this.scene.scenes.forEach(scene => this.scene.pause(scene)); }); this.events.on("focus", () => { this.scene.scenes.forEach(scene => this.scene.resume(scene)); }); this.scene.add('boot', UI.Boot); this.scene.add('loading', UI.AssetLoading); this.scene.add('mainmenu', UI.MainMenu); this.scene.add('router', UI.Router); this.scene.add('battle', UI.BattleView); this.scene.add('intro', UI.IntroView); this.scene.add('creation', UI.FleetCreationView); this.scene.add('universe', UI.UniverseMapView); this.resizeToFitWindow(); window.addEventListener("resize", () => this.resizeToFitWindow()); this.goToScene('boot'); } } resize(width: number, height: number, scaling?: number) { super.resize(width, height); this.scaling = scaling ? scaling : 1; cfilter(this.scene.scenes, UI.BaseView).forEach(scene => scene.resize()); } resizeToFitWindow() { let width = window.innerWidth; let height = window.innerHeight; let scale = Math.min(width / 1920, height / 1080); this.resize(1920 * scale, 1080 * scale, scale); } boot() { super.boot(); this.options = new UI.GameOptions(this); } get headless(): boolean { return this.config.renderType == Phaser.HEADLESS; } /** * Get the audio manager for current scene */ get audio(): UI.Audio { let scene = this.getActiveScene(); if (scene) { return scene.audio; } else { return new UI.Audio(null); } } /** * Get the currently active scene */ getActiveScene(): UI.BaseView | null { let active = first(keys(this.scene.scenes), key => this.scene.isActive(key)); if (active) { let scene = this.scene.getScene(active); return (scene instanceof UI.BaseView) ? scene : null; } else if (this.headless) { return this.scene.scenes[0]; } else { return null; } } /** * Reset the game session */ resetSession(): void { this.session = new GameSession(); this.session_token = null; } /** * Display a popup message in current view */ displayMessage(message: string) { iteritems(this.scene.keys, (key: string, scene: UI.BaseView) => { if (scene.messages && this.scene.isVisible(key)) { scene.messages.addMessage(message); } }); } /** * Change the active scene */ goToScene(name: string): void { keys(this.scene.keys).forEach(key => { if (this.scene.isActive(key) || this.scene.isVisible(key)) { this.scene.stop(key); } }); this.scene.start(name); } /** * Quit the current session, and go back to mainmenu */ quitGame() { this.resetSession(); this.goToScene('router'); } /** * Save current game in local browser storage */ saveGame(name = "spacetac-savegame"): boolean { if (typeof this.storage != "undefined") { this.storage.setItem(name, this.session.saveToString()); this.displayMessage("Game saved"); return true; } else { this.displayMessage("Your browser does not support saving"); return false; } } /** * Set the current game session, and redirect to view router */ setSession(session: GameSession, token?: string): void { this.session = session; this.session_token = token || null; this.goToScene("router"); } /** * Load current game from local browser storage */ loadGame(name = "spacetac-savegame"): boolean { if (typeof this.storage != "undefined") { var loaded = this.storage.getItem(name); if (loaded) { this.session = GameSession.loadFromString(loaded); this.session_token = null; console.log("Game loaded"); return true; } else { console.warn("No saved game found"); return false; } } else { console.error("localStorage not available"); return false; } } /** * Get an hopefully unique device identifier */ getDeviceId(): string | null { if (this.storage) { const key = "spacetac-device-id"; let stored = this.storage.getItem(key); if (stored) { return stored; } else { let generated = RandomGenerator.global.id(20); this.storage.setItem(key, generated); return generated; } } else { return null; } } /** * Check if the game is currently fullscreen */ isFullscreen(): boolean { // FIXME return false; //return this.scale.isFullScreen; } /** * Toggle fullscreen mode. * * Returns true if the result is fullscreen */ toggleFullscreen(active: boolean | null = null): boolean { // FIXME /*if (active === false || (active !== true && this.isFullscreen())) { this.scale.stopFullScreen(); return false; } else { this.scale.startFullScreen(true); return true; }*/ return false; } } }