module TS.SpaceTac.UI { // Icon to activate a ship capability (move, fire...) export class ActionIcon extends Phaser.Button { // Link to the parent bar bar: ActionBar // Link to the parent battle view battleview: BattleView // Related ship ship: Ship // Related game action action: BaseAction // True if the action can be used active: boolean // True if the action is selected for use selected: boolean // True if an action is currently selected, and this one won't be available after its use fading: boolean // Current targetting private targetting: Targetting | null // Action icon - image representing the action private layer_icon: Phaser.Image // Layer applied when the action is active private layer_active: Phaser.Image // Layer applied when the action is selected private layer_selected: Phaser.Image // Cooldown indicators private cooldown: Phaser.Image private cooldown_count: Phaser.Text // Create an icon for a single ship action constructor(bar: ActionBar, x: number, y: number, ship: Ship, action: BaseAction, position: number) { super(, x, y, "battle-action-inactive"); = bar; this.battleview = bar.battleview; this.ship = ship; this.action = action; bar.actions.addChild(this); // Active layer = false; this.layer_active = new Phaser.Image(, this.width / 2, this.height / 2, "battle-action-active", 0); this.layer_active.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.layer_active.visible = false; this.addChild(this.layer_active); // Selected layer this.selected = false; this.layer_selected = new Phaser.Image(, this.width / 2, this.height / 2, "battle-action-selected", 0); this.layer_selected.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.layer_selected.visible = false; this.addChild(this.layer_selected); // Icon layer this.layer_icon = new Phaser.Image(, this.width / 2, this.height / 2, "battle-actions-" + action.code, 0); this.layer_icon.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.layer_icon.scale.set(0.25, 0.25); this.addChild(this.layer_icon); // Cooldown layer this.cooldown = new Phaser.Image(, this.width / 2, this.height / 2, "battle-action-cooldown"); this.cooldown.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.cooldown_count = new Phaser.Text(, 0, 0, "", { align: "center", font: "36pt Arial", fill: "#aaaaaa" }); this.cooldown_count.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.cooldown.addChild(this.cooldown_count); this.addChild(this.cooldown); // Events this.battleview.tooltip.bind(this, filler => { ActionTooltip.fill(filler, this.ship, this.action, position); return true; }); UITools.setHoverClick(this, () => this.battleview.arena.range_hint.setSecondary(this.ship, this.action), () => this.battleview.arena.range_hint.clearSecondary(), () => this.processClick() ); // Initialize this.updateActiveStatus(true); this.updateCooldownStatus(); } // Process a click event on the action icon processClick(): void { if (! { return; } if (this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship)) { return; } if (this.selected) {; return; } // End any previously selected action;; // Update range hint if (this.battleview.arena.range_hint) { this.battleview.arena.range_hint.setPrimary(this.ship, this.action); } // Update fading statuses, null), this.action); // Set the selected state this.setSelected(true); if (this.action.needs_target) { let sprite = this.battleview.arena.findShipSprite(this.ship); if (sprite) { // Switch to targetting mode (will apply action when a target is selected) this.targetting = this.battleview.enterTargettingMode(); if (this.targetting) { this.targetting.setSource(sprite); this.targetting.targetSelected.add(this.processSelection, this); this.targetting.targetHovered.add(this.processHover, this); if (this.action instanceof MoveAction) { this.targetting.setApIndicatorsInterval(this.action.getDistanceByActionPoint(this.ship)); } } } } else { // No target needed, apply action immediately this.processSelection(null); } } // Called when a target is hovered // This will check the target against current action and adjust it if needed processHover(target: Target): void { let correct_target = this.action.checkTarget(this.ship, target); if (this.targetting) { this.targetting.setTarget(correct_target, false, this.action.getBlastRadius(this.ship)); }, correct_target), this.action); } // Called when a target is selected processSelection(target: Target | null): void { if (this.action.apply(this.ship, target)) {; } } // Called to clear the current state resetState(): void { if (this.targetting) { this.targetting = null; } this.setSelected(false); this.updateCooldownStatus(); this.updateActiveStatus(); this.updateFadingStatus(this.ship.values.power.get()); this.battleview.arena.range_hint.clearPrimary(); } // Set the selected state on this icon setSelected(selected: boolean) { this.selected = selected; this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.layer_selected, this.selected, 300); this.updateCooldownStatus(); } // Update the cooldown status updateCooldownStatus(): void { let remaining = this.action.getUsesBeforeOverheat(); if (this.selected && remaining == 1) { // will overheat, hint at the cooldown time let cooldown = this.action.getCooldownDuration(true); this.cooldown.scale.set(0.7); this.cooldown_count.text = `${cooldown}`; this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.cooldown, true, 300); } else if (remaining == 0) { // overheated, show cooldown time let cooldown = this.action.getCooldownDuration(false); this.cooldown.scale.set(1); this.cooldown_count.text = `${cooldown}`; this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.cooldown, true, 300); } else { this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.cooldown, false, 300); } } // Update the active status, from the action canBeUsed result updateActiveStatus(force = false): void { var old_active =; = !this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship); if (force || ( != old_active)) { this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.layer_active,, 500);{ alpha: ? 1 : 0.3 }, 500).start(); this.input.useHandCursor =; } } // Update the fading status, given an hypothetical remaining AP updateFadingStatus(remaining_ap: number, action: BaseAction | null = null): void { let old_fading = this.fading; let overheat = (action == this.action && !== null &&; this.fading = && (this.action.checkCannotBeApplied(this.ship, remaining_ap) != null || overheat); if (this.fading != old_fading) { this.battleview.animations.setVisible(this.layer_active, && !this.fading, 500); } } } }