To-Do-list ========== Menu/settings/saves ------------------- * Allow to delete cloud saves * Fix cloud save games with "Level 0 - 0 ships" Map/story --------- * Add initial character creation * Fix quickly zooming in twice preventing to display some UI parts * Enemy fleet size should start low and increase with system level * Allow to change/buy ship model * Add ship personality (with icons to identify ?), with reaction dialogs * Add factions and reputation * Add generated missions with rewards * Allow to cancel secondary missions * Forbid to end up with more than 5 ships in the fleet because of escorts * Show missions' destination near systems/locations Character sheet --------------- * Disable interaction during battle (except for loot screen) * Improve eye-catching for shop and loot section * Highlight allowed destinations during drag-and-drop, with text hints * When transferring to another ship, if the item can't be equipped (unmatched requirements), the transfer is cancelled instead of trying cargo * Effective skill is sometimes not updated when upgrading base skill * Tooltip to show the sources of attributes * Forbid to modify escorted ship * Add merged cargo display for the whole fleet Battle ------ * Add a voluntary retreat option * Display effects description instead of attribute changes * Display radius for area effects (both on action hover, and while action is active) * Any displayed info should be based on a ship copy stored in ArenaShip, and in sync with current log index (not the game state ship) * Add engine trail effect, and sound * Fix targetting not resetting on current cursor location when using keyboard shortcuts * Allow to skip animations, and allow no animation mode * Find incentives to move from starting position (permanent drones ?) * Add a "loot all" button, disable the loot button if there is no loot * Do not focus on ship while targetting for area effects (dissociate hover and target) * Repair drone has its activation effect sometimes displayed as permanent effect on ships in the radius * Merge identical sticky effects * Allow to undo last moves * Add a battle log display Ships models and equipments --------------------------- * Add permanent effects and actions to ship models * Add critical hit/miss * Add damage over time effect (tricky to make intuitive) * Move distance should increase with maneuvrability * Chance to hit should increase with precision * Add actions with cost dependent of distance (like current move actions) * Add hull points to drones and make them take area damage Artificial Intelligence ----------------------- * Use a first batch of producers, and only if no "good" move has been fo go on with some infinite producers * Evaluate buffs/debuffs * Abandon fight if the AI judges there is no hope of victory * Add combination of random small move and actual maneuver, as prer * New duel page with producers/evaluators tweaking * Work in a dedicated process (webworker) Technical --------- * Ensure that tweens and particle emitters get destroyed once animation is done (or view changes) Common UI --------- * Fix hover being stuck when the cursor exits the window, or the item moves or is hidden * Add a standard confirm dialog * Mobile: think UI layout so that fingers do not block the view (right and left handed) * Mobile: display tooltips larger and on the side of screen where the finger is not * Mobile: targetting in two times, using a draggable target indicator Postponed --------- * Tutorial * Secondary story arcs * Replays * Multiplayer/co-op * Formation or deployment phase * New battle internal flow: any game state change should be done through revertable events * Animated arena background, instead of big picture * Hide enemy information (shield, hull, weapons), until they are in play, or until a "spy" effect is used * Invocation/reinforcements (need to up the 10 ships limit) * Dynamic music composition