module TK.SpaceTac.UI.Specs { testing("MissionsDialog", test => { let testgame = setupEmptyView(test);"displays active and proposed missions", check => { let universe = new Universe(); let player = new Player(); let shop = new Shop(); let shop_missions: Mission[] = []; check.patch(shop, "getMissions", () => shop_missions); function checkTexts(dialog: MissionsDialog, expected: string[]) { check.equals(collectTexts(dialog.base), expected); } let missions = new MissionsDialog(testgame.view, shop, player); checkTexts(missions, []); let mission = new Mission(universe); mission.title = "Save the universe!"; mission.setDifficulty(MissionDifficulty.hard, 1); mission.reward = 15000; shop_missions.push(mission); missions.refresh(); checkTexts(missions, ["Proposed jobs", "Save the universe!", "Hard - Reward: 15000 zotys"]); mission = new Mission(universe); mission.title = "Do not do evil"; mission.setDifficulty(MissionDifficulty.easy, 1); mission.reward = 3500; shop_missions.push(mission); missions.refresh(); checkTexts(missions, ["Proposed jobs", "Save the universe!", "Hard - Reward: 15000 zotys", "Do not do evil", "Easy - Reward: 3500 zotys"]); mission = new Mission(universe); mission.title = "Collect some money"; mission.setDifficulty(MissionDifficulty.normal, 1); player.missions.addSecondary(mission, player.fleet); missions.refresh(); checkTexts(missions, ["Active jobs", "Collect some money", "Normal - Reward: -", "Proposed jobs", "Save the universe!", "Hard - Reward: 15000 zotys", "Do not do evil", "Easy - Reward: 3500 zotys"]); mission = new Mission(universe, undefined, true); mission.title = "Kill the villain"; mission.setDifficulty(MissionDifficulty.hard, 1); player.missions.main = mission; missions.refresh(); checkTexts(missions, ["Active jobs", "Collect some money", "Normal - Reward: -", "Proposed jobs", "Save the universe!", "Hard - Reward: 15000 zotys", "Do not do evil", "Easy - Reward: 3500 zotys"]); }); }); }