module TS.SpaceTac { // Template used to generate a loot equipment export class LootTemplate { // Type of slot this equipment will fit in slot: SlotType; // Base name that will be given to generated equipment name: string; // Capability requirement ranges (indexed by attributes) requirements: { [key: string]: IntegerRange }; // Distance to target distance: Range; // Effect area's radius blast: Range; // Duration, in number of turns duration: IntegerRange; // Permanent effects (when attached to an equipment slot) permanent_effects: EffectTemplate[]; // Effects on target target_effects: EffectTemplate[]; // Action Points usage ap_usage: Range; // Level requirement min_level: IntegerRange; // Create a loot template constructor(slot: SlotType, name: string) { this.slot = slot; = name; this.requirements = {}; this.distance = new Range(0, 0); this.blast = new Range(0, 0); this.duration = new IntegerRange(0, 0); this.ap_usage = new IntegerRange(0, 0); this.min_level = new IntegerRange(0, 0); this.permanent_effects = []; this.target_effects = []; } // Set a capability requirement addRequirement(capability: keyof ShipAttributes, min: number, max: number | null = null): void { this.requirements[capability] = new IntegerRange(min, max); } // Generate a random equipment with this template generate(random = Equipment { var power = random.random(); return this.generateFixed(power); } // Generate a fixed-power equipment with this template generateFixed(power: number): Equipment { var result = new Equipment(); result.slot = this.slot; result.code = ( || "").toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, ""); =; result.distance = this.distance.getProportional(power); result.blast = this.blast.getProportional(power); result.duration = this.duration.getProportional(power); result.ap_usage = this.ap_usage.getProportional(power); result.min_level = this.min_level.getProportional(power); let action = this.getActionForEquipment(result) if (action) { result.action = action; } iteritems(this.requirements, (key: string, requirement: IntegerRange) => { if (requirement) { result.requirements[key] = requirement.getProportional(power); } }); this.permanent_effects.forEach((eff_template: EffectTemplate) => { result.permanent_effects.push(eff_template.generateFixed(power)); }); this.target_effects.forEach((eff_template: EffectTemplate) => { result.target_effects.push(eff_template.generateFixed(power)); }); return result; } // Find the power range that will result in the level range getPowerRangeForLevel(level: IntegerRange): Range | null { if (level.min > this.min_level.max || level.max < this.min_level.min) { return null; } else { var min: number; var max: number; if (level.min <= this.min_level.min) { min = 0.0; } else { min = this.min_level.getReverseProportional(level.min); } if (level.max >= this.min_level.max) { max = 1.0; } else { max = this.min_level.getReverseProportional(level.max + 1); } return new Range(min, max); } } // Generate an equipment that will have its level requirement in the given range // May return null if level range is not compatible with the template generateInLevelRange(level: IntegerRange, random = Equipment | null { var random_range = this.getPowerRangeForLevel(level); if (random_range) { var power = random.random() * (random_range.max - random_range.min) + random_range.min; return this.generateFixed(power); } else { return null; } } /** * Convenience function to add a modulated effect to the equipment */ addEffect(effect: BaseEffect, min_value: number, max_value: number | null = null, target = true) { var template = new EffectTemplate(effect); template.addModifier("value", new IntegerRange(min_value, max_value)); if (target) { this.target_effects.push(template); } else { this.permanent_effects.push(template); } } /** * Convenience function to add a modulated sticky effect to the equipment */ addStickyEffect(effect: BaseEffect, min_value: number, max_value: number | null = null, min_duration: number = 1, max_duration: number | null = null, on_stick = false, on_turn_start = false, target = true): void { var template = new EffectTemplate(new StickyEffect(effect, 0, on_stick, on_turn_start)); template.addModifier("value", new IntegerRange(min_value, max_value)); template.addModifier("duration", new IntegerRange(min_duration, max_duration)); if (target) { this.target_effects.push(template); } else { this.permanent_effects.push(template); } } /** * Convenience function to add damage on target, immediate or over time */ addDamage(min_value: number, max_value: number | null = null, min_duration: number | null = null, max_duration: number | null = null) { if (min_duration != null) { this.addStickyEffect(new DamageEffect(), min_value, max_value, min_duration, max_duration, true, false, true); } else { this.addEffect(new DamageEffect(), min_value, max_value, true); } } /** * Convenience function to add an attribute on the ship that equips the loot */ increaseAttribute(attribute: keyof ShipAttributes, min_value: number, max_value: number | null = null) { this.addEffect(new AttributeEffect(attribute), min_value, max_value, false); } /** * Set the power consumption */ setPowerConsumption(minimal: number, maximal: number | null = null) { this.ap_usage = new IntegerRange(minimal, maximal); } // Method to reimplement to assign an action to a generated equipment protected getActionForEquipment(equipment: Equipment): BaseAction | null { return null; } } }