/// module TS.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Interactive map of the universe */ export class UniverseMapView extends BaseView { // Displayed universe universe = new Universe(); // Interacting player player = new Player(); // Layers layer_universe: Phaser.Group; layer_overlay: Phaser.Group; // Star systems starsystems: StarSystemDisplay[] = []; starlinks: Phaser.Graphics[] = []; // Fleets player_fleet: FleetDisplay; // Frame to highlight current location current_location: CurrentLocationMarker; // Button to jump to another system button_jump: Phaser.Button; // Character sheet character_sheet: CharacterSheet; // Zoom level zoom = 0; /** * Init the view, binding it to a universe */ init(universe: Universe, player: Player) { super.init(); this.universe = universe; this.player = player; } /** * Create view graphics */ create() { super.create(); this.layer_universe = this.addLayer(); this.layer_overlay = this.addLayer(); this.starlinks = this.universe.starlinks.map(starlink => { let loc1 = starlink.first.getWarpLocationTo(starlink.second); let loc2 = starlink.second.getWarpLocationTo(starlink.first); let result = new Phaser.Graphics(this.game); if (loc1 && loc2) { result.lineStyle(0.005, 0x8bbeff); result.moveTo(starlink.first.x - 0.5 + loc1.x, starlink.first.y - 0.5 + loc1.y); result.lineTo(starlink.second.x - 0.5 + loc2.x, starlink.second.y - 0.5 + loc2.y); } result.data.link = starlink; return result; }); this.starlinks.forEach(starlink => this.layer_universe.add(starlink)); this.player_fleet = new FleetDisplay(this, this.player.fleet); this.starsystems = this.universe.stars.map(star => new StarSystemDisplay(this, star)); this.starsystems.forEach(starsystem => this.layer_universe.add(starsystem)); this.layer_universe.add(this.player_fleet); this.current_location = new CurrentLocationMarker(this, this.player_fleet); this.layer_universe.add(this.current_location); this.button_jump = new Phaser.Button(this.game, 0, 0, "map-button-jump", () => this.doJump()); this.button_jump.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.button_jump.visible = false; this.layer_universe.add(this.button_jump); this.tooltip.bindStaticText(this.button_jump, "Engage warp drive to jump to another star system"); let button = new Phaser.Button(this.game, 1520, 100, "map-zoom-in", () => this.setZoom(this.zoom + 1)); button.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.layer_overlay.add(button); this.tooltip.bindStaticText(button, "Zoom in"); button = new Phaser.Button(this.game, 1520, 980, "map-zoom-out", () => this.setZoom(this.zoom - 1)); button.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5); this.layer_overlay.add(button); this.tooltip.bindStaticText(button, "Zoom out"); this.character_sheet = new CharacterSheet(this, this.getWidth() - 307); this.character_sheet.show(this.player.fleet.ships[0], false); this.character_sheet.hide(false); this.layer_overlay.add(this.character_sheet); this.gameui.audio.startMusic("walking-along"); // Inputs this.inputs.bindCheat("r", "Reveal whole map", () => this.revealAll()); this.setZoom(2); // Trigger an auto-save any time we go back to the map this.autoSave(); } /** * Leaving the view, unbind and destroy */ shutdown() { this.universe = new Universe(); this.player = new Player(); super.shutdown(); } /** * Refresh the view */ refresh() { this.setZoom(this.zoom); } /** * Update info on all star systems (fog of war, available data...) */ updateInfo(current_star: Star | null) { this.current_location.setZoom(this.zoom); this.starlinks.forEach(linkgraphics => { let link = linkgraphics.data.link; linkgraphics.visible = this.player.hasVisitedSystem(link.first) || this.player.hasVisitedSystem(link.second); }) this.starsystems.forEach(system => system.updateInfo(this.zoom, system.starsystem == current_star)); let location = this.player.fleet.location; if (location && location.type == StarLocationType.WARP && this.zoom >= 2) { let angle = Math.atan2(location.y, location.x); this.button_jump.scale.set(location.star.radius * 0.002, location.star.radius * 0.002); this.button_jump.position.set(location.star.x + location.x + 0.02 * Math.cos(angle), location.star.y + location.y + 0.02 * Math.sin(angle)); this.animations.setVisible(this.button_jump, true, 300); } else { this.animations.setVisible(this.button_jump, false, 300); } } /** * Reveal the whole map (this is a cheat) */ revealAll(): void { this.universe.stars.forEach(star => { star.locations.forEach(location => { this.player.setVisited(location); }); }); this.refresh(); } /** * Set the camera to center on a target, and to display a given span in height */ setCamera(x: number, y: number, span: number, duration = 500, easing = Phaser.Easing.Cubic.InOut) { let scale = 1000 / span; this.tweens.create(this.layer_universe.position).to({ x: 800 - x * scale, y: 540 - y * scale }, duration, easing).start(); this.tweens.create(this.layer_universe.scale).to({ x: scale, y: scale }, duration, easing).start(); } /** * Set the current zoom level (0, 1 or 2) */ setZoom(level: number) { let current_star = this.player.fleet.location ? this.player.fleet.location.star : null; if (!current_star || level <= 0) { this.setCamera(0, 0, this.universe.radius * 2); this.zoom = 0; } else if (level == 1) { // TODO Zoom to next-jump accessible this.setCamera(current_star.x, current_star.y, this.universe.radius * 0.5); this.zoom = 1; } else { this.setCamera(current_star.x, current_star.y, current_star.radius * 2); this.zoom = 2; } this.updateInfo(current_star); } /** * Do the jump animation to another system */ doJump() { if (this.player.fleet.location && this.player.fleet.location.type == StarLocationType.WARP && this.player.fleet.location.jump_dest) { this.animations.setVisible(this.button_jump, false, 300); let dest_location = this.player.fleet.location.jump_dest; let dest_star = dest_location.star; this.player_fleet.moveToLocation(dest_location, 3, duration => { this.timer.schedule(duration / 2, () => this.updateInfo(dest_star)); this.setCamera(dest_star.x, dest_star.y, dest_star.radius * 2, duration, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out); }); } } } }