module TS.SpaceTac { /** * Quality of loot. */ export enum EquipmentQuality { WEAK, COMMON, FINE, PREMIUM, LEGENDARY } // Piece of equipment to attach in slots export class Equipment { // Type of slot this equipment can fit in slot_type: SlotType | null // Actual slot this equipment is attached to attached_to: Slot | null = null // Identifiable equipment code (may be used by UI to customize visual effects) code: string // Equipment name name: string // Equipment generic description description: string // Indicative equipment level level = 1 // Indicative equipment quality quality = EquipmentQuality.COMMON // Minimum skills to be able to equip this requirements: { [key: string]: number } // Permanent effects on the ship that equips this effects: BaseEffect[] // Action available when equipped action: BaseAction // Usage made of this equipment (will lower the sell price) usage: number // Basic constructor constructor(slot: SlotType | null = null, code = "equipment") { this.slot_type = slot; this.code = code; = code; this.description = ""; this.requirements = {}; this.effects = []; this.action = new BaseAction("nothing", "Do nothing", false); } jasmineToString() { return this.attached_to ? `${} - ${}` :; } /** * Get the fully qualified name (e.g. "Level 4 Strong Ray of Death") */ getFullName(): string { let name =; if (this.quality != EquipmentQuality.COMMON) { name = capitalize(EquipmentQuality[this.quality].toLowerCase()) + " " + name; } return `Level ${this.level} ${name}`; } /** * Get the full textual description for this equipment (without the full name). */ getFullDescription(): string { let description = this.getEffectsDescription(); if (this.description) { description += "\n\n" + this.description; } return description; } /** * Get the minimum level at which the requirements in skill may be fulfilled. * * This is informative and is not directly enforced. It will only be enforced by skills requirements. */ getMinimumLevel(): number { let points = sum(values(this.requirements)); return ShipLevel.getLevelForPoints(points); } /** * Returns true if the equipment can be equipped on a ship. * * This checks *requirements* against the ship skills. * * This does not check where the equipment currently is (except if is it already attached and should be detached first). */ canBeEquipped(ship: Ship): boolean { if (this.attached_to) { return false; } else { var able = true; iteritems(this.requirements, (attr, minvalue) => { if (ship.getAttribute(attr) < minvalue) { able = false; } }); return able; } } /** * Detach from the slot it is attached to */ detach(): void { if (this.attached_to) { this.attached_to.attached = null; this.attached_to = null; } } /** * Get a human readable description of the effects of this equipment */ getEffectsDescription(): string { let parts: string[] = []; if (this.effects.length > 0) { parts.push(["When equipped:"].concat( => "- " + effect.getDescription())).join("\n")); } let action_desc = this.action.getEffectsDescription(); if (action_desc != "") { parts.push(action_desc); } return parts.length > 0 ? parts.join("\n\n") : "does nothing"; } } }