/// module TK.SpaceTac { /** * Enforce a limitation on ship attribute final value * * For example, this could be used to slow a target by limiting its action points */ export class AttributeLimitEffect extends BaseEffect { // Affected attribute attrcode: keyof ShipAttributes; // Limit of the attribute value value: number; constructor(attrcode: keyof ShipAttributes, value = 0) { super("attrlimit"); this.attrcode = attrcode; this.value = value; } getOnDiffs(ship: Ship, source: Ship | Drone): BaseBattleDiff[] { return [ new ShipAttributeDiff(ship, this.attrcode, { limit: this.value }, {}), ]; } getOffDiffs(ship: Ship): BaseBattleDiff[] { return [ new ShipAttributeDiff(ship, this.attrcode, {}, { limit: this.value }), ]; } isBeneficial(): boolean { return false; } getFullCode(): string { return this.code + "-" + this.attrcode; } getDescription(): string { let attrname = SHIP_VALUES_NAMES[this.attrcode]; return `limit ${attrname} to ${this.value}`; } } }