/// module SpaceTac.Game.AI { // Base class for all Artificial Intelligence interaction export class AbstractAI extends Serializable { // The fleet controlled by this AI fleet: Fleet; // Current ship being played ship: Ship; // Set this to false to force synchronous behavior (playShip will block until finished) async: boolean; // Time at which work as started started: number; // Random generator, if needed random: RandomGenerator; // Queue of work items to process // Work items will be called successively, leaving time for other processing between them. // So work items should always be as short as possible. // When the queue is empty, the ship will end its turn. private workqueue: Function[]; constructor(fleet: Fleet) { super(); this.fleet = fleet; this.async = true; this.workqueue = []; this.random = new RandomGenerator(); } postSerialize(fields: any): void { fields.workqueue = []; } // Play a ship turn // This will start asynchronous work. The AI will then call action methods, then advanceToNextShip to // indicate it has finished. playShip(ship: Ship): void { this.ship = ship; this.workqueue = []; this.started = (new Date()).getTime(); this.initWork(); this.processNextWorkItem(); } // Add a work item to the work queue addWorkItem(item: Function, delay: number = null): void { if (!this.async) { if (item) { item(); } return; } if (!delay) { delay = 100; } var wrapped = () => { if (item) { item(); } this.processNextWorkItem(); }; this.workqueue.push(() => { setTimeout(wrapped, delay); }); } // Initially fill the work queue. // Subclasses MUST reimplement this and call addWorkItem to add work to do. protected initWork(): void { // Abstract method } // Process the next work item private processNextWorkItem(): void { if (this.workqueue.length > 0) { // Take the first item var item = this.workqueue.shift(); item(); } else { this.endTurn(); } } // Called when we want to end the ship turn private endTurn(): void { if (this.async) { var duration = (new Date()).getTime() - this.started; if (duration < 2000) { // Delay, as to make the AI not too fast to play setTimeout(() => { this.endTurn(); }, 2000 - duration); return; } } this.ship.endTurn(); this.ship = null; this.fleet.battle.advanceToNextShip(); } } }