module TK.SpaceTac.Specs { testing("Target", test => {"initializes from ship or location", check => { var target: Target; target = Target.newFromLocation(2, 3); check.equals(target.x, 2); check.equals(target.y, 3); check.equals(target.ship, null); var ship = new Ship(); ship.arena_x = 4; ship.arena_y = -2.1; target = Target.newFromShip(ship); check.equals(target.x, 4); check.equals(target.y, -2.1); check.same(target.ship, ship); });"gets distance to another target", check => { var t1 = Target.newFromLocation(5, 1); var t2 = Target.newFromLocation(6, 2); check.nears(t1.getDistanceTo(t2), Math.sqrt(2)); });"gets angle to another target", check => { var t1 = Target.newFromLocation(2, 3); var t2 = Target.newFromLocation(4, 5); check.nears(t1.getAngleTo(t2), Math.PI / 4); });"checks if a target is in range of another", check => { var t1 = Target.newFromLocation(5, 4); check.equals(t1.isInRange(7, 3, 2), false); check.equals(t1.isInRange(7, 3, 3), true); check.equals(t1.isInRange(5, 5, 2), true); });"constraints a target to a limited range", check => { var target = Target.newFromLocation(5, 9); check.equals(target.constraintInRange(1, 1, Math.sqrt(80) * 0.5), Target.newFromLocation(3, 5)); check.same(target.constraintInRange(1, 1, 70), target); });"pushes a target out of a given circle", check => { var target = Target.newFromLocation(5, 5); check.same(target.moveOutOfCircle(0, 0, 3, 0, 0), target); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(6, 6, 3, 0, 0), Target.newFromLocation(3.8786796564403576, 3.8786796564403576)); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(4, 4, 3, 10, 10), Target.newFromLocation(6.121320343559642, 6.121320343559642)); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(5, 8, 6, 5, 0), Target.newFromLocation(5, 2)); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(5, 2, 6, 5, 10), Target.newFromLocation(5, 8)); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(8, 5, 6, 0, 5), Target.newFromLocation(2, 5)); check.equals(target.moveOutOfCircle(2, 5, 6, 10, 5), Target.newFromLocation(8, 5)); });"keeps a target inside a rectangle", check => { var target = Target.newFromLocation(5, 5); check.same(target.keepInsideRectangle(0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0), target); check.equals(target.keepInsideRectangle(8, 0, 13, 10, 10, 5), Target.newFromLocation(8, 5)); }); }); }