/// module TS.SpaceTac.UI { /** * Menu to display selected map location, and associated actions */ export class MapLocationMenu extends UIComponent { constructor(view: BaseView) { super(view, 478, 500); } /** * Set information displayed, with title and actions to show in menu */ setInfo(title: string, actions: [string, Function][]) { this.clearContent(); if (title) { this.addImage(239, 57, "map-subname"); this.addText(239, 57, title, "#b8d2f1", 22, false, true); } for (let idx = actions.length - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { let [label, action] = actions[idx]; this.addButton(172, 48 + idx * 100 + 96, action, "map-action", 0, 1); this.addText(186, 48 + idx * 100 + 136, label, "#b8d2f1", 20, false, true); } } /** * Automatically set menu content from current location */ setFromLocation(location: StarLocation | null, view: UniverseMapView) { if (location) { let actions: [string, Function][] = []; if (location.shop) { let shop = location.shop; actions.push(["Go to dockyard", () => view.openShop()]); actions.push(["Show jobs", () => new MissionsDialog(view, shop, view.player)]); } switch (location.type) { case StarLocationType.WARP: this.setInfo("Warp-zone", actions.concat([["Engage jump drive", () => view.doJump()]])); break; case StarLocationType.STAR: this.setInfo("Class II Star", actions); break; case StarLocationType.PLANET: this.setInfo("Rock planet", actions); break; case StarLocationType.ASTEROID: this.setInfo("Huge asteroid", actions); break; case StarLocationType.STATION: this.setInfo("Space station", actions); break; default: this.setInfo("Somewhere in space", actions); break; } } else { this.setInfo("", []); } } } }