module TS.SpaceTac { /** * Tournament to test AIs against each other, over a lot of battles */ export class AITournament { duels: [AbstractAI, number, AbstractAI, number][] = []; constructor() { this.addDuel(new AbstractAI(null), new BullyAI(null)); this.addDuel(new AbstractAI(null), new TacticalAI(null)); this.addDuel(new BullyAI(null), new TacticalAI(null)); this.start(); } addDuel(ai1: AbstractAI, ai2: AbstractAI) { ai1.timer = Timer.synchronous; ai2.timer = Timer.synchronous; this.duels.push([ai1, 0, ai2, 0]); } start(rounds = 100) { if (this.duels.length == 0) { console.error("No duel to perform"); return; } while (rounds--) { this.duels.forEach(duel => { console.log(`${duel[0].name} vs ${duel[2].name}`); let winner = this.doOneBattle(duel[0], duel[2]); if (winner) { if (winner == duel[0]) { duel[1] += 1; } else { duel[3] += 1; } console.log(` => ${} wins`); } else { console.log(" => draw"); } }); } console.log("--------------------------------------------------------"); console.log("Final result :"); this.duels.forEach(duel => { let message = `${duel[0].name} ${duel[1]} - ${duel[2].name} ${duel[3]}` console.log(message); if (typeof document != "undefined") { let line = document.createElement("div"); line.textContent = message; document.body.appendChild(line); } }); } doOneBattle(ai1: AbstractAI, ai2: AbstractAI): AbstractAI | null { let battle = Battle.newQuickRandom(); let playing = battle.playing_ship; while (!battle.ended && battle.turn < 100) { //console.debug(`Turn ${battle.turn} - Ship ${battle.play_order.indexOf(playing)}`); let ai = (playing.fleet == battle.fleets[0]) ? ai1 : ai2; ai.ship = playing;; if (!battle.ended && battle.playing_ship == playing) { console.error(`${} did not end its turn !`); battle.advanceToNextShip(); } playing = battle.playing_ship; } if (battle.ended && !battle.outcome.draw) { return (battle.outcome.winner == battle.fleets[0]) ? ai1 : ai2; } else { return null; } } } }