module TK.SpaceTac.UI { export type KeyPressedCallback = (key: string) => void /** * Manager for keyboard/mouse/touch events. */ export class InputManager { private debug = false private view: BaseView private game: MainUI private cheats_allowed: boolean private cheat: boolean private hovered: UIButton | UIContainer | UIImage | null = null private binds: { [key: string]: KeyPressedCallback } = {} private keyboard_grabber: any = null private keyboard_callback: KeyPressedCallback | null = null constructor(view: BaseView) { this.view = view; = view.gameui; this.cheats_allowed = true; this.cheat = false; // Default mappings this.bind("s", "Quick save", () => {; }); this.bind("l", "Quick load", () => {; this.view.backToRouter(); }); this.bind("m", "Toggle sound", () => {"mainvolume","mainvolume") > 0 ? 0 : 1); }); this.bind("f", "Toggle fullscreen", () => {"fullscreen", !"fullscreen")); }); this.bind("+", "", () => { if (this.cheats_allowed) { this.cheat = !this.cheat; ? "Cheats enabled" : "Cheats disabled"); } }); if (! { this.view.input.keyboard.on("keyup", (event: KeyboardEvent) => { if (this.debug) { console.log(event); } this.forceLeaveHovered(); if (!contains(["Control", "Shift", "Alt", "Meta"], event.key)) { this.keyPress(event.key); if (event.code != event.key) { this.keyPress(event.code); } } }); } } /** * Remove the bindings */ destroy(): void { this.view.input.keyboard.removeAllListeners("keyup"); } /** * Bind a key to a specific action. */ bind(key: string, desc: string, action: Function): void { this.binds[key] = (key) => action(); } /** * Bind a key to a cheat action. * * The action will only be applied if cheat mode is activated. */ bindCheat(key: string, desc: string, action: Function): void { this.bind(key, `Cheat: ${desc}`, () => { if (this.cheat) {`Cheat ! ${desc}`); action(); } }); } /** * Apply a key press */ keyPress(key: string): void { if (this.keyboard_callback) { this.keyboard_callback(key); } else if (this.binds[key]) { this.binds[key](key); } } /** * Grab the keyboard to receive next key presses. * * Release will happen if another grab is made, or if releaseKeyboard is called. * * *handle* is used to identify the grabber. */ grabKeyboard(handle: any, callback: KeyPressedCallback): void { this.keyboard_grabber = handle; this.keyboard_callback = callback; } /** * Release the keyboard. */ releaseKeyboard(handle: any): void { if (handle === this.keyboard_grabber) { this.keyboard_grabber = null; this.keyboard_callback = null; } } /** * Force the cursor out of currently hovered object */ private forceLeaveHovered() { if (this.hovered && { let pointer ="pointer"); if (pointer) { this.hovered.emit("pointerout", pointer); } } } /** * Setup hover/click handlers on an UI element * * This is done in a way that should be compatible with touch-enabled screen */ setHoverClick(obj: UIButton | UIContainer | UIImage, enter: Function = nop, leave: Function = nop, click: Function = nop, hovertime = 300, holdtime = 600, sound = false): void { let holdstart = Timer.nowMs(); let enternext: Function | null = null; let entercalled = false; let cursorinside = false; let destroyed = false; obj.setDataEnabled(); if (obj instanceof UIImage) { obj.setInteractive(); } else if (!(obj instanceof UIButton)) { let bounds = obj.getBounds(); bounds.x -= obj.x; bounds.y -= obj.y; obj.setInteractive({ hitArea: bounds, hitAreaCallback: Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains, }); } let prevententer = () => { if (enternext != null) {; enternext = null; return true; } else { return false; } }; let effectiveenter = () => { if (!destroyed) { enternext = null; entercalled = true; enter(); } } let effectiveleave = () => { prevententer(); if (entercalled) { entercalled = false; leave(); } } obj.on("destroy", () => { destroyed = true; effectiveleave(); }); obj.on("pointerover", (pointer: Phaser.Input.Pointer) => { if (destroyed || !UITools.isVisible(obj)) return; if (this.hovered) { if (this.hovered === obj) { return; } else { this.forceLeaveHovered(); } } this.hovered = obj;"pointer", pointer); cursorinside = true; enternext =, effectiveenter); }); obj.on("pointerout", () => { if (destroyed) return; if (this.hovered === obj) { this.hovered = null; } cursorinside = false; effectiveleave(); }); obj.on("pointerdown", (pointer?: Phaser.Input.Pointer) => { if (destroyed || (pointer && pointer.buttons != 1)) return; if (UITools.isVisible(obj)) { holdstart = Timer.nowMs(); if (sound) {"ui-button-down"); } if (!cursorinside && !enternext) { enternext =, effectiveenter); } } }); obj.on("pointerup", (pointer?: Phaser.Input.Pointer) => { if (destroyed || (pointer && pointer.buttons != 1)) return; if (!cursorinside) { effectiveleave(); } if (Timer.fromMs(holdstart) < holdtime) { if (!cursorinside) { effectiveenter(); } if (sound) {"ui-button-up"); } click(); if (!cursorinside) { effectiveleave(); } } }); } } }